Ep. 171: What Do People Say About You?

Do you often show up to meetings a few minutes late?

Are you prepared or does it take time to find your notes, pens, and reports?

Are you regularly scattered getting out the door?

Do friends tell you dinner is 15 minutes earlier than it really is just so you show up on time?

How you show up is a reflection of your personal brand.

And your personal brand has a direct impact on your results.

I’m discussing this topic in today’s episode so you walk away with simple ways to uplevel how you’re perceived – by others AND by yourself.


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Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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