Is This Holding You Back From Getting Organized?

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Wanna know what I’ve put off for six years?

Making albums.

I used to make one each year (since 2002) – with memories of our family, documented chronologically from January through December.

I painstakingly worked on each album with incredible detail: scanned in travel tickets, event pamphlets, movie stubs, school photos, kids artwork and so much more.

Wanna know what I’ve put off for six years?

Making albums.

I used to make one each year (since 2002) – with memories of our family, documented chronologically from January through December.

I painstakingly worked on each album with incredible detail: scanned in travel tickets, event pamphlets, movie stubs, school photos, kids artwork and so much more.

I recorded exact dates, wrote a memory on every page and pined over the “right” words.

I’ve got to admit…they came out beautiful.

And then the last two I worked on, 2010 and 2011, got wiped off my computer before I could get them printed.

After that blow and the thought of the endless hours I would need to recreate them, I lost my mojo and haven’t worked on an album since. (Which means my collection ends six years ago, in 2009).

My family was visiting this weekend and I was telling my cousin about them. And she asked me why I didn’t just create something simple with a few photos from each month.

What?! You mean not cross reference the exact museum and cross street on our trip to Paris?

You mean not document the first and last names of every child in my son’s class picture?

That seemed crazy.



I’d been so caught up in making these projects perfect works of art, that I stopped moving forward on them at all.

So this is my declaration: I WILL complete a SIMPLE book for 2015 by early next year.

And it’s also my lead into today’s vid on getting over perfectionism and embracing “real-life land.” You’ll learn more about by clicking below.

And when you’re done watching, I’d LOVE to know what project you’ve been putting off, and more importantly, what you’re going to jump on.

I can’t wait to hear from you sweet friend.

Remember, getting started is half the battle. Maybe more. 

To getting over it!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



“Is this holding you back…”. Your comments re the perfect photo albums hit home with me! I had dates, events, etc., in perfect order… I haven’t worked on my albums for years! I will being again — not so perfect!

Janet M

I keep putting off looking for work because I think I’m too old, skills are outdated, haven’t worked for years, clothes are not just right, low energy. Now I need to find a place of employment that is not stuck in Perfect Land looking for a 20 something employee!! Even if I don’t find a job, just getting geared up by getting medical appointments done, a hair cut, shaping up clothes will motivate me, attempting to update skills. Thanks Mridu, I will see how far along I get on this project.


Carol, can we PLEEEASE keep each other motivated about this project?! You start, I’ll start…and lets just keep going. Imperfection is…PERFECT! xo, m 🙂


Janet, I’m so motivated by you! Fantastic attitude. LOVE IT! And you’re so right. You can be doing many things to get ready for that maybe not-so-perfect job — but really good one. Good luck to you dear friend. Keep us posted! xo,mridu


Finally paid to have shower installed in bathroom during the last 2 months.
Bought one 20+ years ago, hubby never installed.


Finally paid to have shower installed in bathroom during the last 2 months.
Bought one 20+ years ago, hubby never installed.


Awesome Carol!! Must feel SO good to finally get it done! Thanks for sharing. xo, m

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