Have Trouble Saying No?

I know your type.

Always looking out for others.

And in the process of making everyone else happy, you find yourself running around like a crazy person.

Work appointment to social engagement to meeting to lunch to work meeting to 25th anniversary to baseball game to church event to work appointment to car dealership to christening to happy hour to work appointment to…where in the world am I going next??

You’re so used to saying yes, and get so much pleasure out of it, that you’ve forgotten that there is another option.


No is a powerful word.

Here’s what may make saying “No” easier.

Every time you say “NO,” you say “YES!” to something or someone else.

  • Yes! to more time to actually complete a project
  • Yes! to more attention to the commitments you already have
  • Yes! to higher quality and better performance
  • Yes! to stronger, more meaningful relationships
  • Yes! to greater clarity and less overwhelm

No, no. no means Yes, yes, yes!

If you’re with me so far you might now be thinking…but HOW do I say NO?

Isn’t that rude?
How can I let people down?

Here’s the deal.

You and only you can take control of your time.

Which means, you and only you, have to use YOUR VOICE to make it happen.

Here are some ways to communicate a gentle “no,” at work when more is being thrown on your plate and you need help!

  • Great! I’d love to do this right now. But just so you know, I’ll need to delay xyz I was working on for you. Would that work for you?
  • Sounds like a great opportunity, but I have a lot on my plate. How can we make this work?

Here are some ways to communicate when you’re being interrupted and you really need to stay focused.

  • I’m in the middle of something I have to focus on. Can you check back in in an hour?
  • So sorry! I’m under a tight deadline. Could we chat at lunch?
  • I’m behind on my stuff right now. Could we pick this up later?

Here are some ways to communicate when you’re asked to to join another social event, committee or project:

  • I’d love to help you out, but with everything on my plate right now I can’t give this the attention it deserves. Count me in next time!
  • I won’t be able to accept/join/be a part of this with everything I have going on right now. But thanks for thinking of me.

Or how about this? Simply, No thank you. 

You don’t need to detail why you can’t do it or feel that you need to give a 10-point sermon on why this is too much for you right now. A simple, no thank you, will do just fine.

What can you say no to today that will allow you to say yes to something or someone else?

I would LOVE to hear from you. Join the conversation below and let me know what you think.

Here’s to constant improvement!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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