To Stand Or Not To Stand

There are so many factors that add to your personal productivity beyond the latest app or the fastest browser.

Things we may take for granted like: sleep, food, water, light, and fitness.

Deficiency in any of those areas affect your ability to stay focused, be creative and stay energized throughout the day.

And I’m guessing that you, like me, are always looking for those little hacks that add up over the day and help you leave work at 5 o’clock vs. 6 o’clock (or later).

One of those hacks is: The Standing Desk.

Or is it??

These ergonomically designed desks are adjustable and claim to improve everything from productivity to weight loss.

You may have heard bold claims like “sitting too much will kill you.” But the truth is, standing in one place all day can be equally harmful.

After tons of research, here’s what I’ve found in a nutshell.

There isn’t really an impact on your body in terms of weight loss by standing all day. In fact, this can put a lot of undue pressure on your back and tire out your legs.

However, through my personal experience I’ve found that there is an impact on my motivation.

Say whaaaat??

Yes, after months of deliberating, I FINALLY bought a standing desk (more on that in just a minute) so now I can tell you first hand how my experience has been.

For the most part, it’s really good.

I didn’t want to invest a ton of money in a desk I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy. And I already have a beautiful L-shaped desk in my office that I didn’t want to give away.

So I researched options and found The StandStand. This cute little bamboo stand (btw, the price has come down significantly since I bought it), is totally portable.

Which means no big investment of money, time or space. I use it in my office almost daily and take it to all my speaking events. (I had dreams of taking it to Starbuck’s but I haven’t been brave enough to pull it out there yet).

BUT, I have used it on my dining table, my desk and my kitchen counter. Pretty cool.

Ok, so back to my experience.


Pro #1: When I’m standing, I procrastinate less.

Here’s what I mean.

If I need to grab a stamp from another room or put something away in my closet or get some old files from another storage space, I’m more likely to do it right then and there vs. putting it off until later, as I would when I’m sitting down.

It’s like I’m already standing (and quite frankly, my legs would welcome the movement), so I may as well walk over to where ever I need to go and get it done.

Pro #2: When I’m standing, I feel more energized.

I just do. I feel less lethargic than when I’m sitting. I tend to rock my body around a bit. I enjoy listening to music more because I can actually shake my hips or tap my foot when I’m standing. I find myself stretching more often simply because I’m vertical.

Pro #3: When I’m standing and on the phone, I move and burn calories.

When I sit and I’m on the phone, I sit and talk.

When I stand and I’m on the phone, I walk. In circles mostly but sometimes up and down the stairs or into the hallway. Simply because I’m already standing.

And then I start thinking about the fact that I’m using more steps, so that makes me walk more. Of course, this doesn’t apply to when I need to be on a call and looking at my screen (like on a video call). But it works, I enjoy the movement and the jolt to my stationary state.


Con #1: When I stand for more than an hour, my legs hurt and sometimes my lower back.

So honestly, this is sort of a pro/con for me. Because I feel like I’m building up strength in my legs when I’m standing. But it does make me tired, in which case I simply sit down. Not a big deal. Especially with my StandStand. I either push it to the back of my desk or put it on the floor and sit. And then an hour later I stand again.

Con #2: I can’t think of another.

Which brings me to my conclusion of:

Standing for part of your day is awesome. 

You feel more energized, less lazy and move around more.

And I’m sure there are other inexpensive solutions out there than the one I’ve mentioned, (The StandStand). It’s just the one I’ve used and it’s been working great.

So what do you think? If you already have a standing desk, how’s it going for you?

If you don’t have one, would you consider trying it out? Could you benefit from some movement or just a little change of scenery? (It’s amazing how many more nicks in the wall I’ve found since I’ve been standing!)

I would LOVE to hear from you. Join the conversation below and let me know what you think.

Here’s to constant improvement!



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.


Carolyn Overcash

Love the idea of the standing desk that you are talking about; however, after standing, walking, climbing ladders, stocking, cleaning in a concrete floor workplace for 8-12 hr per day. I’m ready to sit or lay down. I stand the whole time. Of course as an idea, try doing your paperwork at the kitchen counter, standing up of course as a trial run. If you like it make the purchase, well if not, save your money. Ikea has some cute adjustable table tops that tilt. I’d rather have one of those. Can use an adjustable height seat then.

Mridu Parikh

Agreed Carolyn. It’s not for everyone, especially if you’re already on your feet for most of the day. I, on the other hand, am sitting a lot – so it’s been very helpful for me. Thanks for joining the conversation. Hope you’re doing great! xo, M


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