How to reach results faster

Decisions matter.

From everything you put in your mouth…

To what you say yes or no to…

To every time you reach for your phone.

Some decisions are simple like tying shoes or pouring coffee.

But other, more impactful ones trigger opposing thoughts.

Like when your alarm goes off.

The Angel on your shoulder says: You know getting up is good for you. Do it now!

Meanwhile, the Devil’s all like: It’s warm and comfy, skip the gym. Hit snooze!

Sometimes we look at opposing emotions as confusion.

Or we attribute emotional opposition to being scattered or not confident in decision-making.

But that’s not true.

It’s just part of the process and it doesn’t mean anything about you.

Instead, it means you get to choose where you put your attention.

Opposing thoughts means you have a choice.

Which is exciting because it means you have control.

You have control to go with comfort (stay in bed and hit snooze).

You also have control to go with discomfort and lean into the excitement of better results. (get out of bed and get your yoga pants on).

You are not lazy. You are not confused. You are not indecisive.

You are making decisions all the time.

You get to decide exactly where to put your time and energy.

I learned to make more rewarding decisions with just 3 simple thoughts.

  • Embrace opposing thoughts.
  • Opposing thoughts mean that I have control.
  • Lean into the uncomfortable choice because all the awesome happens outside my comfort zone.

Repeat this to yourself every day.

Lean into uncomfortable choices.

  • Can you get up when you don’t feel like it?
  • Can you not check your email for two hours?
  • Can you say No to your client? Your kids? Your mom?

How can you get out of comfort every day? Even once a day?

Answer this question and you will reach your results faster.

You will feel so much better about yourself too.

You are capable of all the awesome in your life, Brooke.

You just need to decide on it.



​One decision can change the trajectory of your day and life. If you want more support on overcoming indecision and making better decisions, schedule a time for us to chat here.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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