Sometimes you need permission

I recently worked with a client certain there was no way to “find more time” in her schedule.

As a radiologist with an incredible load, she is always running from one emergency to another.

She is overwhelmed by paperwork and managing staff while trying to balance motherhood, a husband, aging parents, and some semblance of social life.

Patient commitments constantly put her behind the eight-ball, her team under constant stress and frustrated by missed deadlines.

Her dream?

To be fully present for her adorable two-year-old and supportive husband every evening.

Her reality?

Barely make it home before dinner, distracted by texts and emails, then frequently working until after midnight to stay afloat.

We worked on her limiting belief system, boundaries, and self-sabotaging actions.

We identified a pattern of unrealistic expectations set by the Queen Overachiever herself.

“Would patients be put in danger if you changed their expectations of getting results in 48 hours instead of 24 hours?” I asked.

“No. But can I do that?”

“Is there a good reason you can’t?”

She thought for a few moments. “No, I guess not.”

And just like that, she took the first step to opening her mind and her calendar.

By resetting expectations she was home three nights last week to MAKE dinner and enjoy it with her fam (not just wolf it down over an email).

Sometimes you need permission to do what you know you should be doing.

Even though it’s outside of your comfort zone.

Even though it goes against the way you’ve been doing it for a long time.

Even though it might be questioned.

Even though you’ve never done it that way.

If you need permission to change up a routine, a system, or a method that is keeping you in a stressful and overwhelming pattern, I am giving it to you.

Permission granted.

Turn your permission into a liberating new normal.

You will be less stressed.

You will have more freedom.

You will wonder why you waited so long.




Getting out of your way is key to a rewarding life. But when you’re crazed you don’t have the time or mental energy to figure out how. Get the support you need to live the life you deserve. Let’s hop on a call and make it happen.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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