I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The learning curve sucks! When? Pretty much any time you have to learn something new. And unfortunately that keeps us from doing important things. You know the drill… You hear about a tool that could help you be more productive, efficient or organized. You know it could save you…
Productivity Tips And Inspiration
My $25,000 Mistake
This is the first time I’m admitting this to anyone outside my hubby and a select few close friends. Because for years just thinking about it gave me a sucker punch right in the gut. One of my biggest entrepreneurial failures cost me over two years, lost time with my family and hard for me…
Why Thinking Like Legos Will Change Your Business
One thing most people don’t know about me is that I’ve built a car with my son. From the engine to the wheels to the trunk. My son was six. I was forty, I mean thirty-something. The truth is he could have built it without me. In fact, he mostly did. I just turned the…
5 Insanely Easy Ways To Stay Focused
You spoke. I listened. Many awesome Lifers responded to my survey about how I could give you more of what you need. And if you’re one of them, thank you for making my job easier. Because when I know what you need, I can better help you create your dream biz and dream life. And…
Three Powerful Steps To Eliminating Struggle
Ever feel like you’re running in place? Like you have a lot of activity going on but not making progress? Like you take two steps forward and ten steps backward? Like you’re busy, busy, busy but don’t have not much to show for it? Hate that feeling. When you should be focusing on your super-powers:…
Massive Lost Opportunity
I’m back after a 10-day visit to see my family. Other than gaining a couple pounds, (NY pizza is irresistible), it was awesome. Wine every night though? Questionable. Speaking of which, July 1st was a big day for wine in Tennessee. For the first time, wine can be sold in supermarkets. I’m loving this new…
How To Write The Perfect To-Do List
You know when your to-do list makes you shudder? You get a visceral reaction to it because it is so dang long and daunting. I can relate. Especially at 2:36am when I’m lying in overwhelm, my mind swirling with everything I need to get done. This doesn’t happen to me (much) anymore. Because understanding one…
Can The Real YOU Please Stand Up?
My brother is kind of a big wig in a well-known corporate company in NY. So naturally when I was transitioning from the personal organization arena over to the business side, I gave him a call. I was hoping he could connect me with some of his contacts for speaking and training opportunities. And as…
My Best Strategy To Feel Less Stressed
I’m willing to bet you have endless ideas. Not only is your business brain always charged with thoughts, but your commitments, relationships, routines and every other priority in your life, swarms your mind all. the. time. All this scattered information hijacks your brain, leaving you overwhelmed or even worse…paralyzed. Your inability to keep everything straight,…
Wanna Stand Out From Your Competition?
You offer this juicy, awesome, high-quality, blow your competitors out of the water, service or product, right? You know it can help your audience immensely and change their lives. IF you could captivate them with the details, compelling images, before and afters, and testimonials from your happy clients. You work so hard using social media,…