You have so many thoughts, so much going on – you literally have monkey mind on steroids. (It’s a real thing ladies). And it’s no surprise, right? Given all the demands and all the distractions that are constantly thrown your way. You’re connected 24/7. In this episode, I’m sharing the easy peasy technique that will change the trajectory of your life.
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Thanks for this podcast. I just put it on between 50 other things I am doing. So I had to laugh when you seemed to be a fly on the wall and called me out for my work modus operandi. I just have so many things that I work on each day and too many interests to where I spread myself so thin to try to get everything done. Variety is the spice of life, but I definitely needed to hear you talk today about being intentional and controlling my actions by first controlling my thoughts and even saying them aloud. I am like a ten-ring circus with all my To Dos daily. If you haven’t read The One Thing by Gary Keller, it deals specifically with focusing on one thing. I have to always go back to this book to get me aligned to progressing in each project I have. Also the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz is a classic and holds keys to how changing our thoughts and perception of ourselves then changes our actions. A great read! Thank you again for all your podcasts. You are so real and passionate with caring concern for others. I appreciate all your tips and counsel. Now to do it!
Lona, thank you so much for your message! Girl, you are not alone!
I feel like we are all chasing after long to-do lists the entire day, barely giving a moment to pause, breathe, and think. There is definitely a lot of wisdom in the idea of “stopping to smell the roses.” I love both the books you mentioned – they are front and center on my bookshelf. I so appreciate your engagement and enthusiasm and mostly, for choosing to spend your time with me. And I know you can be intentional with your next task as well! You can do this. with love and gratitude, Mridu