What happens during a VIP Intensive?

Anything you want! My brain and heart are all yours. 🤓 ❤️

VIP Intensives lead to incredible breakthroughs, out-of-the-box ideas, overcoming mindset blocks, immense clarity on your next steps, and a massive relief of overwhelm. (Can I hear an Amen!)

I bring 12+ years of experience in productivity and leadership — plus all the lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur who’s created a global community, corporate training, online programs, keynote speeches, a best-selling book, and a podcast. (And let’s not forget that mom thing).

Some examples of what we can work on during an Intensive include:

  • Restructure your day, schedule, and week to make space and time for what matters to you most: self-care, focused work, relationships, exercise, or strategizing/planning
  • Brainstorm a year’s worth of content ideas
  • Design a system to delegate so you can focus on the stuff that you do best
  • Make a plan to go after your big goals big— a book deal, your personal brand, control of ALL your projects
  • Create a process to stay focused and master email and other soul-sucking distractions
  • Craft a simple plan for your procrastinated projects and goals so you actually get. them. done.
  • Develop back-end systems to automate, delegate, and make your biz run efficiently
  • Organize your desk, email, home, closet, files, mail, pantry, or any other space that’s making you cray-cray!
  • Get back to your dust-covered photo books, forgotten golf clubs, or other hobbies you want to pick up
  • Or really, anything else you’re dying to do more effectively! (professionally and personally)
Who This Is Perfect For
  • Busy entrepreneurs overwhelmed by everything they have going on who needs a savvy set of simple strategies to regain control and get their schedule to work for them.
  • Go-getters who know they’re not living up to their potential because they’re distracted, scattered, and exhausted. You’re ready to ditch the busyness and get back to business!
  • Business owners who crave systems so they stop spending time on things they know they shouldn’t be focusing on and start making more money and an impact. I did this to have MORE freedom, not less!!
  • A homemaker who’s dying to get organized…to declutter, sort, store…and simplify. You know you could do it if you had the right guidance and support. I’ll help you come up with a master plan!
Here’s How It Works
  • We’ll start around 9am to brainstorm/strategize for 90 minutes on your chosen project/focus.
  • You’ll have full access to my brain where we strategize and plan everything from your morning routine to your schedule to your systems at work and at home.
  • We’ll break for 30 minutes.
  • We’ll spend the next 90 minutes planning, strategizing, and implementing, oh my!
  • We’ll break for lunch for 30 minutes (at 12:30pm)
  • By 1:30pm we’ll wrap up and determine the next steps.
  • You’ll leave with energy, clarity, and motivation.
  • I’ll send you a summary of all your breakthroughs and next actions.
  • You’ll have email and Voxer access to me for an additional 7 days for follow-up questions and support!

You’ll leave our time together with a clear sense of purpose and clarity around your time and energy, and a roadmap of your next steps.

Investment: $2,000

Full payment is required to secure the date. (There are no refunds for this experience).

VIP Intensives take place via Zoom or in-person if you’re in Nashville.

To book a date, please email me directly at mridu@lifeisorganized.com. I’d love to speak with you.

“Before working with you I felt like I was running in place: lots of activity, but no movement. Now I feel empowered. I have a plan and I’m finally making progress.” – Julie B.,Owner, Berry Organizing

“Through our work I made significant cognitive shifts. My thinking changed particularly when it came to my planning, prioritization and organization. As I shifted the way I thought about my tasks, to-do lists and responsibilities, my anxiety decreased and I felt empowered. My business is doing better than ever and I’m a better mom and a better wife.” – Kallie G, Psychologist

“I didn’t expect to see so much change and success in such a short period of time. The thing I’ve enjoyed most about working with you is that can be 100% honest without any judgement.” – Jamie S., Financial Advisor

Six months from now you’ll be in the same place – or even worse – more confused, overwhelmed & desperate for control of your work + life if you don’t get the support you need.

(I actually am a very nice person. But you needed to hear that).