Do This And Get Results

Most “normal” people would tell me to see a psychiatrist.

I hear voices. All. the. time.

Bad voice: You’ve been trying this forever. It’s not going to work.

Good voice: You got this! You are the bomb. People looooove you.

Bad voice: You’re never gonna make it.

Good voice: You’re so close! Just keep at it.

Bad voice: Why would they buy from you and not someone else?

Good voice: You’re exactly the type of person they’re looking for.

If you hear these types of voices in your head too…then I can pretty much tell you that there’s really only one answer.

You need to get our of your own head and just do the work you are truly capable of. 

Spend less time thinking, pondering, worrying, stressing, wondering and obsessing, and instead:

Take action.
Move forward on an idea.
Make a change.
Be brave.

I know you have a ton of potential. Like, HUGE. But potential is meaningless without execution.

Tony Robbins says it best:

“Experience trumps knowledge.”


You can read books, take classes, watch videos, write blogs, go to seminars, and absorb until your head hurts.

But there is no way for you to know IF they will like it, IF it will work (or fail), IF it will be good (or bad), IF it will serve you…until you put it out into the world.

And here are two rules about doing that:


It can’t be and SHOULDN’T BE PERFECT. Keep in mind that it can always be better, but it will never be perfect. So just get it out as it is now or you’ll keep procrastinating and hearing “bad voices” for a long time.


If you’re already putting stuff out into the world and not getting the results you want, you HAVE TO TRY SOMETHING NEW. If you’re stuck doing the same things that you’ve been doing, you’re not going to get different results.

If you’re reading this shaking your head but also thinking:

  • “but what do I do first?”
  • “which one of my ideas do I choose from?” or
  • “who do I listen to? (there are so many opinions about programs and services)…

…I’d like you to do this.

Ask yourself which one resonates with you the most? Which gets you most excited or jazzed up?

And then…stop there.

Don’t overthink. Don’t overanalyze.

Just take the first step to making it happen.

Here’s what happens when you get out of thinking mode and into doing mode.

You get new ideas.
These ideas or thoughts spur other ideas.
You move forward.
You feel awesome about yourself that you finally did something.
You recognize you’re one step closer to your results than you were yesterday.

And most importantly, you realize you don’t have to live in your head.

You can live in the reality of getting stuff done, taking a chance and being the kick-ass entrepreneur you know you’re capable of being.

When I find myself overthinking the best thing I can do is…JUST DO. Stop thinking, put pen to paper, and get something down.

I may spin off in a COMPLETELY different direction, but at least I’m doing. And that is what keeps me connected, aligned and pumped up about my business.

I’d love for you to do the same.

In fact, I’d love to know what NEW thing it’s going to be for you.

  • What is your first step?
  • What will you take action on?
  • What fear will you let go of to simply “do”?

Let me know over in the comments below. (I read and respond to every comment). I’m always rooting for your success.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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