What Got Me From “Amateur” To “Pro”


That’s what I was when I started my entrepreneurial journey. Not because I didn’t know what I was doing (I mean, who really does?!)

But because of my excuses.

After leaving my 12-hour-a-day corporate job and staying home with my kids for a few years, I was ready to get back to work. But this time, on my own.

Combining my passion and talents, I launch Memories Organized: A Photo + Video Organization business.

But here was the problem.

In theory I’d gone “entrepreneur.”

In reality, I was doing the business thing half assed and half intentional. Amateur.

As part-time stay-at-home mom, I used my kids as an excuse to keep my biz from growing.

“I only have four hours a day when they’re in school,” was my typical defensive response when my husband would call my career “a hobby.”

I hated when he said that.

But now looking back – he was right.

Having one small client at a time (sometimes) with the only goal of paying one small credit card bill every month, wasn’t exactly building the foundation for a successful business.

I always used my kids as an excuse for the impact and income I could make.

I was wrapped in self-pity, clinging to the “I’m doing so much with the kids…I have no time focus on my business” excuse.

Now don’t get me wrong. Juggling motherhood, raising kids and starting a business is No. Easy. Feat.

However, with the right goals, mindset and plan in place, it is totally possible.

Without knowing that then – and I stayed in that “limited” place and mindset for several years.

Looking back I realize that:

I was the only one holding me back – not my kids.

The day I went from “amateur” to “pro” was the day I changed my thinking from:

“I don’t have enough time because of the kids”


“I have limited hours without my kids, so I better use that time really freakin’ well.”

That’s a huge shift. Going from:

Using a circumstance as an excuse to using a circumstance as a motivator.

As a Pro, I looked at my time from an entirely different perspective.

  • How could I use my limited time most effectively?
  • Where could I get the biggest results in the least amount of time?
  • How could I get the greatest reach in the fastest way?

It certainly didn’t happen over night, but I got smarter.

I streamlined, delegated, batched, eliminated, and most importantly got crystal clear on goals and the most effective and efficient strategies to reach them.

I share this with you this because I hear this from awesome people I work with all the time.

Why you can’t reach your goals.
Why you don’t have enough time.

Why you never finish what you start.

Your excuses.

  • The day job.
  • The family.
  • The limited time. 

But the truth is, you can reach your goals simply by:

Reframing your excuses into motivations.

Use your excuses to:
  • motivate you to get clear
  • take action on what’s most important
  • say “screw it!” to the stuff that’s not
  • put an end to “this is how’s it’s always been done” to “what’s going to give me the biggest impact?”

This is the way I reframe the kids, the house, the family, the biz.

When it all feels like “too much” I step back and ask myself:

 “what’s the most efficient and effective way for me to get results?”

It’s like when you have a whole week vs. an afternoon to finish a project. Either way, you figure out how to get it done. (Parkinson’s Law: work expands to fill the time available for its completion).

Excuses no longer apply when you’re crystal clear on what you want and why you want it. 

I wish I could say I don’t ever whine or complain or come up with excuses anymore. (I’m human people!)

But I recognize when I do, it’s because I’ve lost clarity on where to focus on my time and how to make it work in the most effective way for me.

So here’s my question for you:

What are you using as an excuse for not reaching your goals?

You don’t need to beat yourself up about it, or compare yourself to others, or keep your head held low. Hellz no.

Instead reframe your excuse into motivation. Get clear on your goals. Make the best use of your limited time. Go Pro.

And get big rewards for leaping into intentional action instead of blaming the circumstances that held you back.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!


P.S. Any excuse you have that’s stopping you, stumping you or that you’d like some help with? I’m scheduling FREE 20-minute Clarity + Strategy sessions right now. (No strings attached – for realz). Learning how to make the best use of your time is 100% essential to massive results in your biz and life. Join me here. 

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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