Are we powerless against distractions?

Staying focused is really freakin’ hard.

It’s hard to walk from your kitchen to your bedroom without getting distracted.

It’s challenging to plan your day without getting sucked into email.

It’s nearly impossible to ignore the barrage of alerts and updates.

Why are we so addicted to our distractions?

Do we simply not have any self-control? Are we that powerless?

The truth is, with every response to a text, email, ding, beep, and alert, you get a dopamine hit, making you feel pure enjoyment.

Every time you react you get rewarded with a shot of the party drug, which addicts you even more to this behavior.

Damn you, dopamine!

Let me ask you this:

How do you feel when you spend a good chunk of your day on email and social media?

I feel guilty because I wasted my time on low-value activities.

What does add value?

Going to bed knowing I was one step closer to my goals.

Like exercising, making sales calls, and spending time with my boys.

It sucks working from morning till night yet feeling unfulfilled at the end of the day.

How can we stop this insanity?

Whether you want to get healthier, improve your relationships, write a book, or grow your business — here’s the bottom line.

You can’t rely on willpower.

Willpower alone won’t help.

In fact, it’s what’s holding you back.

If you’re serious about feeling more successful, turn off the notifications.

Fo’ real, sister.

Put an end to your constant reactiveness.

I promise – they are sucking the life out of you.

Remember, when it comes to distractions we’re talking about neural addictions.

So, good news – your addiction to reacting is not your fault.

Bad news – keeping your notifications on – is.

If turning off alerts is giving you heart palpitations – Relax.

Block out time on your schedule throughout the day to check on these very tasks. Like:

  • Block 10 minutes after lunch and at the end of the day to respond to texts
  • Block 30 minutes to respond to calls (let them go to voicemail until then)
  • Block 60 minutes for emails 2-3 times a day (the rest of the day your email tab is closed!)

Will it be scary to turn off your notifications?

Of course, it will!

Every change from your norm feels uneasy at first, but no change will come from doing things as you’ve always done them. So…

Take a small but mighty step outside your comfort zone.

Have faith in your ability to eliminate distractions that are holding you back.

Have the courage to turn off those focus suckers.

You will have higher energy.

You will save at least an hour in your day.

You will reach your goals faster, with more clarity, and higher quality.

Distractions are more in your control than you think. Are you ready to be powerful?



P.S. Distractions and boundaries are B.F.F.’s. If you want to be more productive at work and truly present at home – you have got to take control of both. Let’s chat about your situation. Book a free call with me here.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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