I thought this was impossible

I’m writing this on Monday.

Because Monday is my “writing day.”

I write this blog, my podcast, and a few social media posts today.

It might be hard to imagine thinking: “This is my day to be creative” and then produce on demand.

I also thought this was impossible.

But now it’s like clockwork. Every Monday.

It’s not because my body just knows or I’ve taught myself how to be creative once a week.

It’s because I’m on a routine.

“There’s too much unpredictability in my business and life. There’s no way to stick to a routine!”

I convince myself of this on the regular.

Until I learn how to do it the right way.

I’ll answer emails and do client work too, but my top priority and theme today is writing.

I use themes so I spend less time and energy wondering about where to put my focus each day.

Here’s a glimpse into my writing before I themed my week.

Write a bit of my blog on Sunday, intro of podcast Monday morning, back to blog in the afternoon, maybe write in front of the tv on Wednesday, throw in some time on Thursday, in between emails on Friday and finish on Saturday while randomly posting when I feel like it.

Totally scattered.

Writing lingers All. Week. Long.

That’s what happens when you have your hands in a bunch of incomplete things.

Enter my new life: I finish writing on Monday.

Which means it doesn’t nag and berate me through the week.

Wanna know how I’ve trained myself to have a burst of creative inspiration on Mondays?

I haven’t.

I keep a log of ideas that pop into my head throughout the week.

So when Monday comes around they’re in front of me and the flow starts from there.

I have a similar routine and process for other areas of my biz, like finances, admin, clients, and strategy.

Maybe you’ve tried to create routines and failed?

Here’s the deal.

It takes more than switching things around on your calendar.

It takes a combo of planning, systemizing, and communicating.

It’s not hard but our brain likes to make this more difficult than it is.

It’s much more difficult to react all day, respond to whatever demand or thought is thrown at you, and jump from task to task, project to project.

It’s easier to feel busy than to BE productive.

I have done both.

I’ve told myself I was super productive yet couldn’t understand why projects took so long and why tasks moved from day to day to day.

Once I nailed routines, I created more time and energy in two years than I did in six years prior.

I have never looked back.

You won’t either.

No matter how busy your life, it’s not impossible to create a cadence.

In fact, the more on your plate, the more possibility there is for flow.

Routine created my book, 160+ podcast episodes, thousands of blogs, and 10 years of organized photos, just to name a few.

It’s how all the magic happens in your business and life.

Come sprinkle some with me.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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