I’m not a dream killer

The amount of effort you put into something doesn’t determine its worth.

In fact, sometimes what you work so hard to create, is what you need to let go of.

I learned this when I transitioned my business.

I worked my butt off to start and build my professional home-organizing business.

Yet after a few years, I deeply yearned to move to productivity and goal-setting coaching.

So instead of focusing on one service and offering, I straddled both.

Which left me burnt out, scattered, unorganized, and feeling like I sucked at everything: mom, wife, and biz-owner.

Nearly two years later, I finally simplified and solely offered productivity coaching.

With a streamlined model, my message was crystal clear, my marketing was spot on, and my revenue and impact were on a steady incline.

I see women business owners struggle with this issue All.The.Time.

You hold onto a dream or a model because you have sweat equity in it.

But that doesn’t make it the most valuable or rewarding thing to do.

I get that it feels like wasted time and energy to give up on what you’ve worked so hard to create.

  • But is it worth the expense of your health, sanity, time, and relationships?
  • Is it worth feeling less than, perpetually scattered, and never able to catch up?
  • Is holding on to a complicated model or a “dream business” worth drowning in stress and overwhelm?

I want you to know this.

I am not a dream killer.

My job is to help you fulfill your dreams in this one life that you have.

And that means helping you make tough decisions so you’re empowered to be the best version of yourself.

The version where you challenge yourself but in a way that’s pleasurable and motivating.

So you drop anxiety and poor decision-making.

So you have the time, space, and energy to take care of yourself and be a better boss, spouse, mama, friend, and daughter.

By streamlining your business, I am not killing your dreams.

I am expanding them.

Every day of your gorgeous life is precious.

There’s no time to get stuck in dreams that don’t give you results you don’t want.

Simplify your business. Simplify your life.

Know that you can scale back your offerings or services, NOT your mind, talent, or revenue.

Streamline so you are focused and in control.

Streamline so you wake up every day knowing exactly where to put your time and energy.

Streamline so you go to bed every night energized, balanced, and rewarded.

Isn’t that the real dream you’re after?

P.S. If you’d love to make better use of your time and truly focus on what powers you and your life, let’s chat. Schedule a time here.

P.P.S. Check out my latest podcast: Tough Love That You Need To Hear. It will help you get the results you want. Apple | SpotifyMy Site

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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