My Biz Rocketed When I Started Doing This

Today I’m super psyched to share a strategy that has worked wonders for my clients – and for my own biz. For realz. Before I get into it I want you to know that I’m expecting resistance. From YOU. Along the lines of, “oh my gawd – is she serious? I could never do that!”…

Calling All Social Media Addicts!

Ding. Beep. Ring. Notification after notification, distraction after distraction – it’s no wonder we diagnose ourselves with A.D.D. (even when we don’t really have it). You know it’s distracting and adding to your procrastination…but it’s too hard to not react to every alert you hear. And have you ever tried to put a time limit…

The Most Effective Way To Get New Clients

Getting sales is hard. Period. Whether it’s through email, a phone conversation, a long-standing relationship or a new encounter. It can feel icky – even when you know the value you can add to someone’s life and what you’re worth. What if I told you there was an easier way to get a sale? You’re sitting at…