stop starting and stopping

You’re doing 10 things at the same time. (more like 20).

Aka: Constantly multi-tasking.

I get it. As a CEO, mom, and doer of all things, you have to multi-task otherwise nothing will get done.

Multi-tasking isn’t always bad.

Like when you fold laundry and talk to your bestie.

Or when you take a walk and listen to a podcast.

BUT– if your multi-tasking consistently gets you off track from what you really should be doing, it’s time for a change.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.

You have got to change your mode of operation.

You keep starting and stopping and starting and stopping a dozen things, so nothing really ever gets done.

And btw, when you do this you are much more likely to make errors.

You’re also slow. As in inefficient. Not using time effectively. Wasting the day away. (Need I say more?)

Here’s why.

Every time you pivot between tasks, your mind wastes time reorienting itself to that task and then ping-ponging back to the other one.

An even worse consequence of constant back and forth is that it drains you of energy.

It literally zaps whatever energy you have and minimizes it, so you have less for the rest of the day.

Bottom line: going from phone to text to Amazon to Waze to thought to IG to email….in a matter of a few minutes, is a recipe for failure.

Put an end to this sabotaging behavior.

Plan to focus in small time chunks.

I said small and maybe you heard two hours?

Don’t challenge yourself to focus for hours at a time.

Not gonna work. Even an hour can be hard.

20-30 minutes is awesome. For real.

It’s amazing what you can get done in 30 fully focused minutes.

Getting focused takes practice and deliberate work.

Wishing you’re more focused or getting frustrated because you got nothing done, doesn’t make you more focused.

Working on being a more focused person, does.

This means doing something that’s a little uncomfortable.

It’s uncomfortable to NOT answer texts or even look at them because your phone is in another room.

It’s uncomfortable to block your calendar and tell your family, friends, or team that you’re unavailable for the next hour.

It’s uncomfortable to respond to that email you’re procrastinating or go through your numbers when you really don’t want to.

Listen sweet friend, if you want to be more present, creative, strategic, impactful, a better listener, mentor, and role model — get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It is your key to more focus.

You will finally stop starting and not finishing.

You will finally stop thinking “What did I get done today?”

You will finally retrain your brain and make the impact you KNOW you’re capable of.

P.S. This is just one of the seven ways to get focused that I cover on this week’s podcast aptly named: “7 Reasons You’re Unfocused And How To Change Them”

Get your beautiful ears on it here. My Site | Apple iTunes | Spotify

P.P.S. If you’ve tried every which way to get focused and still fall short, book a free call with me hereand let’s figure out a way that works for you. Make this a task you finish.


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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