The Organizing Tool That Will Change Your Life

  Life changing?  Seriously?  Ooooh yeah!  This online, organizational (and really cool) tool can be synced with your phone so you can organize your life from anywhere, any time.  Sweeeet! It’s easy to use and will consolidate all the lists in your life; including those mental lists, like “Target”,  and those written lists, like groceries and…

How To Remember The Wine (Or Jeans) That You Love

    Here’s a little tip that may come in handy this weekend. If you’re a wine fan like myself you may find yourself really liking a bottle at a friends place or at a restaurant. And you think to yourself that you have to remember this one so you can buy it later. And…

The Best Way To Remember Birthdays

I’ve always had a hard time remembering birthdays. And as our family and friend circle keeps growing, it gets even harder. (Or maybe it’s just the more I age!) Either way, thank goodness for technology. There are some great, easy web sites out there that take all the worry out of forgetting those special dates….