How To Make Cleaning A Whole Lot Easier

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So many awesome people have been sending variations of this question:

How do you get on a cleaning schedule?

And I loves me this one because it’s more than about committing to cleaning.

It’s also about how to manage your time to get it done.Β Oh, and the motivation to actually do it.

Turns out it’s a pretty complex question.

Lucky for you, I have a pretty simplified answer. πŸ˜‰

In today’s vid I’ll tell you the easy peasy 3 step, I mean the 2 1/2 step, process.

The truth is, I don’t like cleaning. Like really. I don’t like it at all. But I do love how my house looks and feels once it is clean, so I know it’s something I need to do.

But that doesn’t mean I want to spend a whole weekend on it. So it was important for me to come with a do-able plan that let me enjoy my tidy home, while not feeling like it was the only thing I got done for the day.

I’d love to hear if you’re using any of these 2 1/2 steps, and if not, what tasks can you add to your daily list?

Keep up your great work and positive attitude my sweet friend. Remember, small steps add up to giant leaps of success.

Here’s to living simple and happy.

P.S. My Power House Ultimate signature workshop is on the horizon….stay tuned for April madness!Β 



Im really good at list writing, not so good on the follow through. πŸ™


LOL! Karen, that seems to be a problem with most of us. πŸ˜‰ That’s why I really do like the idea of hanging up your list in a visible place. It’s just one more nudge to help you with follow through. Also, once things become a habit, they get easier to do….just got to get to the habit part, right?! πŸ˜‰ Thanks so much for writing in. xo, mridu

Ulysse Comeau

I really like your weekly tips. You encourage me to do these things on a daily basis.


Thanks so much Uly! And I’m thrilled I can help motivate you friend. πŸ™‚ Love connecting with you, Mridu

Lori finding

great idea doing the same task in every room I will try that


It really helps me a lot. Hope it works for you too. Thanks for writing in Lori! xo, mridu


I haven’t been great or on top of this lately but when I am wow life rocks!! So much more time for my kids and less putting them and activities off while I ‘just get this load of laundry out’ which equals less whining!! Clean happy home πŸ™‚ motivation is key and also so hard to find and maintain sometimes though πŸ™

Mridu Parikh

Meg, I couldn’t agree more. When I’m “maintaining well” – everything and everyone else is so much happier. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall behind…it happens to all of us. Just so you can get back on routine and things will be much better. πŸ™‚ Good luck to you and thanks so much for joining the conversation! xo, mridu

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