How To Organize After The Holidays

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Does anyone else feel like they need a holiday from the holidays?!  Just when you’ve settled back into routine you have to deal with taking down all the things you’ve put up; holiday decorations, the tree and all those holiday cards!  And like most memorabilia, your cards are likely to end up in your “anything goes” box.  But ladies, there IS a better way!  Check out my latest video to find out what it is:

Here are some of the techniques you’ll see:

  • Get rid of your envelopes (but don’t forget to keep your addresses!)
  • Purge!  Keep your most meaningful cards only (which ones are these? watch to find out!)
  • Sort and label your cards by year
  • Stack your cards by sizeBundle…but not with rubberbands!
  • Use an archival safe storage box (find out what the heck that means!)

Lastly, stay tuned until the end of the video to see an awesome way to showcase your cards long after the holidays are over.

As always, thank you for watching.  To further show your support (and help this sista out!) please forward my blog to your friends and leave comments in the reply box below.

Muuuwwaahh! (Big Kiss),



Love the idea of punching holes and using a binder ring for the holidays cards!


Love the video and tips! You are so funny! I have never thought of using ribbon instead of a rubberband to bind your cards. Rubberbands usually dry out and crumble in a few years anyway. Waiting a year or two to go back through your cards also makes it easier to get rid of ones without the emotions tied in. Keep the tips coming!

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