Organize Your Family Room in Under Ten Minutes

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Your family room should be one of the most relaxed areas in your home. But we all know that too much “relaxation” can lead to too much clutter. Magazines pile up here, dishes over there and before you know it your dreamy room has turned into a nightmare.

But find ten minutes in your day…just TEN and you can clear the clutter and keep it a place you really can relax in. Here are the top ten tips of organizing your space…that you can do in under 10 minutes. Yes, that means even while the tv is on 😉

  1. Gather your papers and start going through them. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in just a few minutes.
  2. Go through your DVR and purge shows you’ve already seen or not going to watch. Bonus: you get to sit on the couch for this one.  (I am so good to you).
  3. Gather any dishes, food, containers etc. and put them IN your kitchen.
  4. Stack and store magazines in a tray or magazine rack. If this only takes you a couple minutes, spend your next eight minutes on getting rid of the old ones.
  5. Gather your throw pillow and blankets. Fold and stack your blankets and re-arrange your throw pills on the couch or chair they belong to.
  6. Gather and label your remotes with the name of the device: DVR, Stereo, TV, etc.
  7. Go through your book collection, turning each volume in the same direction.
  8. Put all your movies back in their corresponding cases and stack or put them away.
  9. Pick up everything off the rug or floor and vacuum.
  10. Gather toys or other stuff that does not belong in the room. Get them to the rooms they belong to or at the very least, make piles by the doorway so they can be taken there later.

Wishing you a happy and productive weekend!

-Mridu 🙂

One Comment


This is a good one! Whenever I have company, I really stress out because the food is cooked but the house is still cluttered! thanks!

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