Organized Junk Drawers. Seriously?

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It’s crunch time.  Even though we’re not hosting Thanksgiving, the pressure’s on to get my work done by this evening.  Not the world’s worst problem to have.  I need to shorten my work week so I can indulge in food coma by a warm fire.  Yeah, it could be worse.

But even still I’m always looking for ways to make my days more efficient.  One way is to not waste time looking for those annoying little things you need on a moments notice.  You know like stamps, staples, a highlighter or a flat-head screwdriver.

Wait a second. Does that stir up memories of your junk drawer??  Yes, even Professionals have one.  😉

Check out my short video to see how to organize your drawers of junk and other useful stuff too. Don’t forget to leave me a message below about what you use drawer organizers for.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and deeelicious Thanksgiving holiday.  I am so thankful for YOU!

xo, Mridu



Great tips! Love using those drawer organizers. I have a few junk drawers that I need to get a handle on. Trying to get the utensil drawer purged.


I’m working on a personal favorite….the socks/tights/hose drawer. Seriously, why do women need so many ways to cover up their feet?! 😉


Awesome! It’s a quick trick with lots of instant gratification 🙂 Hope you have a great holiday. xo, mridu

Gail Felts

OMG! I never thought of organizing my junk drawers like I do my silverware drawers! Thank you for the great idea! Im going to use baggies for now and do that before my family comes in from out of town and makes fun of me again!


Hey Natasha,
I’m a simple lady. 🙂 I get pretty much everything I have for organizing at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. I have a few products from Container Store…but not too many. Hope this was helpful, mridu

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