Simplify By Having More

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Have you ever tried to get someone in your home to change their habits? And there’s just no budging.

I mean, you set up the perfect system, (it’s easy and it makes sense), and they continue to NOT use it. It’s so frustrating!

I’ve been there. Way too often.

Like trying to get my kids to put away their toys when they’re done playing. Helloooo children….we have toy closet! So what’s the deal?!

Well today’s video will teach you a simple yet powerful trick to get other people on board by working with their habits, instead of against them.

You know I’d love to hear from you when you’re done watching. So please share how you’re going to take action by answering this:

What’s one area in your home that you could use duplicates?

That’s right you heard me. I’m talkin’ MORE, not less for a change. 😉

Be as specific as you can ‘cuz your story can really help inspire others.

Then go give yourself a pat on the back for being so awesome (and supportive). Thank you, thank you my dear friend! See you again next week.

With love,



I’m the wife who changes and leaves laundry in the bathroom(on the counter not the floor). And I’ll be getting a new hamper for the bathroom so I can get that habit helped. I look forward to every challenge you send. And I love how funny and creative you are. Thanks for all your anecdotes.


Great idea! I have a set of cleaning supplies (window cleaner, sink and toilet cleaner) in each bathroom so we don’t have to hunt them down. They are right there! You are so cute! What? LOL


Great idea!!! will give it a go and I too love your funny/quirky personality lol


LOL! So happy that you found this tip helpful…and that my example was just right! 😉 Thank you so much for your kind words and awesome support. They really make me want to do this week after week. Would love to know if the hamper works! xo, Mridu


Love you Terry! 🙂 And how super smart are you to keep the dupes of the cleaners?? That honestly took me about two years to figure out in my house.
Thanks for your ongoing support. You’re the best! xo, Mridu


Awesome! Would love to hear where you’re going to double up.
And thank you for watching and commenting. I always say I’ve finally found my calling with my videos — Organization meets Adolescent Humor. :)) with love, mridu


I leave a bottle of spray n’wash not only in the laundry room but also next to my bedroom hamper so I know if something has a stain on it when I take it off, I spray it before I drop it into our bedroom hamper!


Ohhhh, I love that one Perian! I am so doing this TODAY. Thanks for sharing girlfriend! xo, mridu

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