The Perfect Time To Get Started

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Wanna know something crazy?

I’m about three weeks away from leaving my hubby and kids.

No, we’re not separating! I’m going on a mommy vacay. And it’s a big one. I know, crazypants, right?!

My cousin’s getting married in India and well, guess who’s going?? I’ll be attending with my parents and then…it gets even better. My dear friend lives in Dubai so we’re stopping there for a few days on the way back.

OMG – putting it in writing makes it so much more real!

As you can imagine, I’ve been running around like a crazy person, trying to get everything in order. Rescheduling carpools, recording videos, finishing projects and shopping for so many gifts!

I feel like I’m in nesting mode; getting everything buttoned up and under control before I leave.

So I’ve been ALL OVER these long-procrastinated projects and making major headway on them.

Which of course leaves me wondering, why did I wait so long? Because it feels SO DANG GREAT to get them off my mind and off my list. Really, it’s wildly liberating.

You know how you always come up with some excuse or the other about why you shouldn’t do something?

– It’s not the right time
– I’m too busy at work right now
– When my kids gets older
– After I lose a few more pounds…

Yeah. I know it. I’ve lived it.

That’s why in celebration of my new found motivation, I’m telling you why you should get started on a project that’s been on your mind – RIGHT NOW.

Yup. Today. Ahora. Pronto. …Even if it means just putting in five minutes.

So after you watch today’s vid, here’s what I’d like to hear from your sweet self.

What project are you going to STOP procrastinating and getting started on, ASAP?

Remember, the first step to making it happen is to put it “out there.”

Can’t wait to hear what you’ll get going on. This is so exciting!

Always wishing you success and happiness my sweet friend.




Lunch break upstairs closet clean out. Feeling better! So many more things to donate and some trash out too. Every time I do this, it makes me realize how many other places need it. So easy to put it off. I’ve earned my veggie pizza! Thank you for the push Mridu!

Mridu Parikh

Happy to help motivate in any way I can. And great job on taking advantage of your lunch break. Always feels SO good to get stuff out! xo, mridu


I am going to box up and send out Christmas gifts that I was suppose to send in November or December.

Mary Wyatt (81) year old fiend!!!

So happy for you going to India, I know you will have a wonderful time….When you get back I will have my office organized.


Thanks Mary! I’m so excited (and lucky)! And I want to see pictures of your new office when I return. 😉 xo, mridu


Fantastic goal Mary! Thanks for “putting it out there” and getting one step closer to putting it behind you. Good luck! xo, mridu

Mary T

I’m going to redo a chair that has been moved around the house for a year at least!! always looking at it trying to figure out when I will have a moment to dig in! Today!! Thank you! 🙂 Enjoy your vacation!


Ok, that sounds like so much fun! What a great procrastinated project. Good luck! xo, mridu


Cleaning up my office (I swear, paper multiplies in the dark !) and sending a baby gift to a friend in Thailand before the baby outgrows the outfit I’m sending !!


Awesome Carolyn! Way to commit and get it done. 🙂 xo, mridu

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