What To Do When You’re Feeling Stuck

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Ever feel like you’re not moving towards your goals as fast as you wish you were?

The reality is we often stand in our own way.

Every time I’ve felt stuck, overwhelmed or paralyzed I realize there’s some level of self-induced undermining going on – like procrastination or uncertainty.

And this results in my fear of moving forward. Which unfortunately keeps my standing right where I am.

If you can relate, I think you’re gonna love today’s video. I’m giving you my best motivation to get over the hump and take action – regardless of how imperfect, scary or uncomfortable it may feel.

The truth is, the more we get out of our comfort zones, the easier it is to continue to make changes and improve our lives.

Will we make mistakes along the way?

Of course! (Happens to me weekly. Um, sometimes daily). 😉

But without trial and error, we’d never move forward. There would be no opportunity for expansion or growth and we’d never know what we were missing – because we’d never experience it.

So I encourage you to take one step (big or small) while this inspiration is fresh on your mind. And know that I’m right in your corner, cheering you on.

Join me in the comments and let me know what it’s going to be.

As you know, our time on this earth is precious. That’s why it’s so important to be intentional about what you do with it.

Today’s episode will help you make sure you don’t let any more time slip away without feeling more aligned with your goals and dreams. So please be sure to watch it!

With love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.