Why A Stairs Basket Is A Must

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My kids’ bedrooms are upstairs. Their play room is upstairs. So why is it that there are crayons, socks, legos and video games downstairs everyday?! I suppose (begrudgingly) I have to accept the fact that my kids will bring stuff down and just focus on how to get it back up..on a daily basis. (Perhaps for some this rings a bell with your significant other in the house?) 😉

For a long time I had piles of things on the bottom of the stairwell, that the boys had to take every time they went upstairs. Needless to say, this never happened, and I was pretty much creating a hazard zone at the landing. And than I discovered “The Stairs Basket.”

It’s the basket that sits at the foot of the steps and gets filled up by the end of the day with all the stuff that goes upstairs. In the evening I take it up and everyone has to go through it and put away their things before we go to bed.  It’s an easy way to keep the house tidy, plus give the kids some responsibility.


One Comment


what a great idea! My stairs are always a mess and I am always the one bringing things up and distributing!

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