20 Minutes To Fabulous!

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Just 20 minutes.

You’ll be amazed what you can get done.

Clear an entire counter.
Organize a whole drawer.
Declutter your purse and wallet.

A lot of the challenge in getting organized is the overwhelming time it will take. And it’s true. Many projects take hours, even days.

But what if you KNEW that you could make progress in just 20 minutes??

It’s possible. And here’s how. Just follow this easy-peasy three step process:

#1: Pick ONE small piece of a project (I’ll give you more details in just a minute)

#2: Set your timer to 20 minutes

#3: Bask in the glory of your accomplishment! πŸ™‚

Lets break this down in a way that makes it even more doable.

#1: Pick ONE small piece of a project.

Want to get your entire office organized but are putting it off because it will take you all weekend?
Pick ONE pile of papers to declutter and file away.

Want to get through your whole closet but have been procrastinating it for the last six months (as the piles continue to grow)?
Pick ONE type of item to declutter. Like your summer shoes only. Go through all of those and eliminate the ones that are worn out or out of style.

Want to do a major overhaul on the state of your kitchen?
Pick ONE shelf in one cabinet where you’ll remove everything, wipe down and then only put back what you need.

#2: Set your timer to 20 minutes.

It’s really important to actually set a timer and not just look at your watch or clock. Take ten seconds to set a 20 minute timer on your phone or oven, so that you are truly working against a time. This will keep you moving and motivated to get it done before your beep or ring goes off.

#3:Β Bask in the glory of your accomplishment! πŸ™‚

You will be AMAZED about:

  • how much you got done in 20 minutes
  • how good you feel
  • how silly it was for you to build this up for soooooo long
  • how motivated you’ll be to set another 20 minute timer later today or tomorrow

And guess what 20 minutes a day adds up to over one short week? Yes, 140 minutes…but that was not the answer I was looking for! ;))

It adds up to a massive dent in your organization project. Yes, major headway on that dreaded task you’ve been putting off forever.

Which is why I know you’re gonna rock this three-step, how could I not do this? challenge.

Start TODAY. And if you’re looking for extra accountability (I mean, who isn’t??) join me in the comments below and let me know you’re doing it.

If you do, I promise I’ll personally check in with you in a day or two to see how it went.

Awesome sauce. By the way, do you know I set my timer to 20 minutes to write to you? Sometimes it takes me hours….but not today! πŸ˜‰

Here’s to feeling fabulous!

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



I am making a commitment to do this! I have to because I have so many piles in my office!! 20 minutes at a time, I will get them gone πŸ™‚ Thank you for your motivation to be organized.

Mridu Parikh

Perfect! I bet you’ll be amazed about how many piles you’ll get through over the week. I’ll check in with you soon! xo, mridu

Dal Crawford

Such an important concept: Just doing a small part of a project. Sometimes I have great intentions to get a project done but feel an urge to quit before I start when it feels so overwhelming ! Thinking about just one small part of a given project is always doable. When something is doable and manageable, there is a much higher likelihood of getting it done.

Mridu Parikh

Couldn’t have said it better myself Dal. πŸ˜‰ So right! We can talk ourselves out of anything when it feels overwhelming. Let me know if you have a specific project you want to start working in…so I can check in with about through the week. πŸ™‚ xo, mridu


About to set my timer for 20 minutes of gathering items to donate! My closet is running over,and I have had this on my to-do list for the longest time!

Mridu Parikh

Awesome!! I’ll check back in with you in the next day or two to see how your 20 mins a day are going! πŸ™‚ xo, mridu

Sherie Black

I’m still doing these little challenges. Love your motivation to keep me going. It’s amazing how much I keep getting accomplished. It’s funny how I go back through what I kept in my decluttering episodes a year ago isn’t as important this year. I’m decluttering even more. Just gotta love ya!

Mridu Parikh

LOVE you right back! And I agree. The more time you have away from something, the easier it can get to let go. Thrilled you’re getting so much done. Especially before year end! Keep it up Sherie, you rock! xo, mridu

Mary Wyatt

I bought your program I think in 2014 and got so much done; but now I’ve lack off and need more encouragement. I love the way you explain things to do and also you are beautiful.
I guess my program has closed now because I can’t find it, I pay around $100.00 for it. Do I still have it. Mary Wyatt

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