My Best Strategy To Feel Less Stressed

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It’s been a few weeks since we’ve connected and I’ll be honest. I’m feeling a bit of separation anxiety. So I’m thrilled to be writing to you again.

(In case you missed why my blogging schedule has changed and what I’m up to now, you can read about it here).

Over the last few months, as I’ve been transitioning and expanding my business, I’ve had dozens, scratch that, hundreds of thoughts racing through my mind.

Everything from how to re-brand to what to call myself to how to keep my amazing audience in the loop to what this means to my family….and so much more.

I’m willing to bet you can relate. Although your thoughts are different than mine, they’re endless too, aren’t they?

Everything from home, to work, to relationships, to time, to projects, to commitments, to lists…and so much more.

All this scattered information hijacks your brain, leaving you overwhelmed or even worse…paralyzed.

Your inability to keep everything straight, top-of-mind and in order also has a negative effect on your productivity. In other words, it keeps you from getting things done. (And that’s a bummer).

That’s why it’s critical to continuously empty your brain.

That means keeping a notepad with you (or a note taking app on your phone) at all times.

I’m talking at your bathroom counter, bedside table, car dashboard, coffee table, kitchen counter and purse or back pocket. Everywhere.

Then every time you think of an idea, remember a task or make a connection, simply – write it down.

Yup. Write it down.

At a lunch with friends and don’t want to forget the ingredients in the fabulous salad you’re eating? Pull out your notepad and write it down. (Don’t worry, your besties will understand).

On a run and remember you have to send an important email when you get home? Pull out your phone and type: Email Jan.

(Personally, I’m a huge Evernote fan – since I always have access to it on my phone and laptop – but that’s a whole other blog in the works).

Having the comfort of knowing your thoughts won’t be lost or forgotten, frees your mind to dream, brainstorm, create – and get things done.

And with more room in your brain and less anxiety in your body, your productivity soars.

Although emptying your brain is a simple concept, it’s not so simple to make it a habit.

So here’s how to get started. (It’s all about baby steps…)

  • Do a brain dump every night. Take 5-10 minutes to record every thought from over the course of the day, before you go to bed.

Seriously, try this. Tonight.

As you start to see and feel the benefits (which will happen almost immediately), you’ll be inclined to start making it a habit throughout the day.

On the other hand, when you skip your brain dump and your anxiety or overwhelm rises, you’ll be inclined to pick up the habit again tomorrow. (Trust me on this one). 😉

This simple habit has been a life changer for me. Instead of having to reach waaay back into my mind to remember an idea, next step or to-do, I tap my phone, get to my list, and happily exhale.

I can’t wait for you to share in this euphoric feeling too. Which is why this week’s challenge is a must-do.

STEP #1:

Place your notepads or notebooks in areas around your home and office where you typically spend a lot of time.

  • If you’ve committed to a digital tool, be sure it’s downloaded and synced on your phone and other devices, so you have access to it everywhere.

STEP #2:

And then, start recording everything. Like if you don’t want to forget that you need to start writing everything down, make that the first thing you write down. 🙂

STEP #3:

And lastly, let me know you’re committed to adopting this positively positive habit. Leave a comment below with an “I did it!” so you hold yourself accountable AND get a virtual high five from me.

Remember, sometimes it’s the tiniest changes in our lives that give us the biggest impact. Don’t underestimate the power of a tweak.

Here’s to you and your happiness.

With love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.


Carol Drury

Please be sure to follow up with a #4 on what to do with all those notes scattered everywhere! (I have way too many Post-its with notes I can’t read!). Also, I don’t seem to have the info when and where I need it. And often it seems too cumbersome to have to type things on my phone. Thanks Mridu!

Mridu Parikh

Yes definitely Carol! That’s a #4! In fact, I promise a whole other blog on that subject alone: having ONE place to keep your lists. As I mentioned, I LOVE Evernote, but it’s just as fine to use a notebook. Whatever you choose, stick to it. And make it habit to transcribe all the sticky notes over the course of the day into your ONE PLACE every night. Thanks for this crucial reminder! XOXO, Mridu

Mary Wimbley

The idea of keeping notebooks where you spend a lot of time just inspired me–and sorry if this is TMI–but I’m going to be placing one in my bathroom! I can’t count the number of times I’ve been in there and had a great idea hit me or suddenly remembered something important and I had no way to write it down, not even my phone because I’d left it in another room. Genius! I’m also thinking of keeping one at my desk at work, even though I usually carry a planner with me, because it would be nice to have one specifically for work-related tasks. Thanks for the inspiration, Mridu! You rock! 🙂

Mridu Parikh

Mary, never too much TMI with me. 😉 Honestly, I think keeping a notepad in the bathroom is awesome. I mean, don’t all the best ideas happen in the shower?! And work is great too, along with in the kitchen and family room. Anywhere you spend time. Way to take immediate action friend. Keep it up! And thanks so much for your support. With love, Mridu


I have a brain dump notebook that’s labeled “My Action Book”. I too get to feeling completely overwhelmed and it helps immensely to write down all the to do’s or ideas floating around in my brain and it helps get all those to do’s, done! I love the quote “Action is the antidote to despair.” (by Joan Baez).

I keep my notebook in a central and easy to grab place in my house. I am making it a habit to grab it and jot down any to do, whether it’s to be done in now, in a month, or in a year, and write it down. I’ve also been adding deadlines to those to do’s. I am now trying to get in the habit of going through my notebook each morning and making some of the to do’s with fast approaching deadlines part of my six list.

Mridu Parikh

Jennifer, that is AWESOME!! So much goodness wrapped up here. All your to-do’s in one place, associated deadlines, and daily review. BRAVO! Thank you for sharing and for your inspiration. XOXO, Mridu


Thanks for your desire to help us organize and release anxiety. My husband and I are business owners and this simple idea really helps because I think I can remember everything, I should know better because I forget deadlines and meetings more then I should. I’m going to try this starting today.

Mridu Parikh

Oh Mariellen, as a business owner you have at least twice as many things to remember! 🙂 The days I don’t write everything down, I not only forget them, but I waste so much time trying to remember when I’ve forgotten. (Please tell me I’m not alone!) I ALWAYS feel less overwhelmed when I know I’ve captured all my thoughts somewhere…and am betting you will too. Keep me posted on how this goes for you. Good luck sweet friend! xo, mridu

Chrystal Hennig

haha still lurking from Germany. Congrats on your expanding business. I love using my Google calendar that sinks to my phone also. I type everything down as if it is an appointment, then you can just click and drag them wherever you want, like a VERY flexible to do list, only they are put on the day I want to do them. For example, I decide what I want to do at the beginning of the month, then scatter them to whatever day in the month I would like to do them. If they don’t get done, I simple move them to the next day or whatever day is better. You can also color code them. Love the brain dumping!

Mridu Parikh

Chrystal, this is music to my ears. 😉 This is exactly how I teach my clients to “use” their to-do lists. Put all their tasks directly into the calendar. Because if it’s not in your calendar, it doesn’t happen. Can I hear an Amen, sister?! Your system is amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing it.
And thank you for all your support, now and for so long in the past. I love hearing from you and am always wishing you continued success too. Don’t be a stranger! 😉 xoxo, mridu

Leah Rachelle Berman

I have a memo/task list on my phone. I never really used it before (not into all this techie stuff). However, I needed it when someone was making some recommendations to me about purchasing something. I put it on the memo/task thingie on my phone and it’s there until I erase it! I am starting to like using it. Plus, whenever I create a new task, I have to create a new category for it. This way I can bundle similar tasks in that same category!!

Mridu Parikh

This is great Rachelle. I love that you’re not trying to figure out the “perfect” tool – just using a memo/task thingy. 😉 And it seems like it’s working which is awesome. The more you use it, the more of a habit it will become. Thanks so much sharing. And SOOOO great to hear from you! xoxo, mridu

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