This Organizing Habit Changed My Life

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As you may or may not know, today’s video is the last of my home organization videos. At least for now…

I’ll be starting them up again on the “business” side but will let you know when that officially happens.

It’s with excitement that I expand my organization and productivity services to other professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses. (Remember, I’m not leaving ya, just honing back on the vids so I don’t spread myself too thin). 🙂

As I’ve been extending my services, I’ve been using one strategy in my home and biz that has truly changed how much I get done every day.

And I can’t wait to share it with you right here, right now.

Every time I use it I am more productive and feel more accomplished than any other time in my day or week. (Now that’s saying a lot!)

It takes a little brain rewiring to make it effective – but I know you can do it. Just start small and easy and before you know it, it will become a regular part of your life too.

When you’re done watching, here’s what I’d love to know:

  • What activity can use this super productive strategy with — starting today?

I really, really hope I’ll be hearing from you. ‘Cuz I’m gonna miss hearing from you every other week! (As a reminder, after today you’ll be hearing from me in a monthly blog).

Again, YOU are why I do what I do. And I know I couldn’t be where I am today or follow the path I’m headed to next without your love and support.

Remember, no matter your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your life. Here’s to your dreams, your heart and the difference you were born to make.

With deepest love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.


Susan Wenz

Wishing you the very best!!! I’m a bit selfish…I like the home organizing!!!! Its something we all struggle with!!
Work on paying my bills monthly in just one hour. I know with that comes three other tasks for that day…changing the home water filter salt to the softener and furnace filter change. These are all in my “gotta do monthly” home tasks. One day once a month and boom…done!

Mridu Parikh

PERFECT Susan! Love your commitment to one type of task and getting in on a schedule. Leaves a lot more time to do other more enjoyable stuff, doesn’t it? 🙂 Keep up the amazing job! xo, mridu

Sara Vander Linden

I batched but did more than in one batch than I should have, and now I am overwhelmed. Even after watching your 5 “Organizing Like a Freaking Pro” videos I’m lost with where to start. Here’s what’s up. This month my church was having a parking lot sale, and I “batched” by going through every room in my house to purge what could be donated. Sounds good so far, right? But I didn’t put things away or even figure out which room things belong in. So now, I have stacks of stuff in every room and even my hallway and my house feels more cluttered than before I purged. When I try to put something away, I find I set something else where it should be. So I have to move that item to it’s place, but find something else that needs to be moved…and the cycle continues. So I’m back to switching from one thing to another – and feel like I don’t make any progress. Any tips on how to start when nothing is where it should be?

Mridu Parikh

Sara, I am so sorry I missed your comment earlier. I so get where you’re coming from. I remember this happening to me when honestly – I had too much stuff for my space. I’d love for you to try this. Be ruthless. I know, sounds scary doesn’t it? But actually it is super freeing. The more you can simplify, the more room you’ll have for the stuff you really do use, need and LOVE. Can you do another round (or two!) of purging? You want to be able to live comfortably within the space that you have. (Not the space you wish you had). 😉 Let more go and get it directly out of your house. Like right in the car. The more it lingers around the house, the more it gets mixed back up and doesn’t end up leaving. I want you to get comfortable with letting go of some things that might seem scary to. But once you do and see the freedom it brings you, your confidence will grow that you can continue to do so. I believe in you Sara and know YOU. CAN. DO. THIS! Take this brave step, continue to purge, so you DO have more room to put things where they belong. And the outcome is going to be glorious!!! Wishing you so much success, Xo, Mridu

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