who knew two weeks could be so powerful

The difference between being successful and not is this:

People who make goals and reach them, succeed.

It’s as simple as that.

To reach your goals you need a plan.

Not just a high-level plan…a plan for today, tomorrow, and the day after that.

I see this disconnect so often with my clients.

They have a vision of where they’d like to take their business and lots of milestones along the way.

They invest hours of time and energy into planning and lists and workflows.

But when it comes to the day-to-day, they’re overwhelmed and don’t know the right next step to get them closer to their goal.

If you want to consistently reach your goals – this is the most effective way.

Create two-week sprints.

Sprints consist of tasks to reach a goal over two weeks.

Why two weeks?

Because it’s enough time to work on and reach goals, but not so far into the future (like monthly, quarterly, or yearly goals) that they’re too far away.

Goals longer than two weeks make you procrastinate or fall short of consistent action.

With only two weeks, you have to get started now, plus work consistently to make your goals happen.

Like with my client Christine.

Her goal was to “get more sales.”

She’d done lots of quarterly and monthly planning around this.

But when it came to a typical Monday morning, her head was swimming in the 1200 tasks to lead to a sale.

So she did what any respectable woman with a goal and a long to-do list would do.

She buried herself in loads of emails.  (Sound familiar?)

We reframed her goal as a two-week sprint: “Have three sales conversations in the next two weeks.”

The tasks to make it happen are:

  • Create a spreadsheet with people to reach out to
  • Outline exactly what you will say
  • Call or email 10 people to see if they’re up for a conversation
  • Create three follow-up emails

With this list Christine takes action. She is focused and gives confusion the old heave-ho.

Your success is dependent on reaching your goals. Not just spending time making them and letting the weeks go by.

You can see tiny improvements on many goals in the next year or make impactful strides on a few goals every two weeks.

You choose.

When you set yourself up to achieve results quickly, you build confidence to keep doing it.

You feel inspired. This energy re-fuels your creativity and drive.

It’s an incredible result of a simple effort.

Making and reaching your goals IS the backbone of your success.

Are you ready to feel amazing over the next two weeks?



P.S. I LOVE feeling amazing, don’t you? My best days are when I wake up with a plan and actually stick with it. If you want the same, schedule a free call with me here to get to know each other.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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