Project T-Shirt Drawer

    Are you irked by someone else’s disorganization in your home? (Uh, welcome to my world!) Any of these scenarios feel familiar? You’ve given your kids baskets for their clothes, yet their entire wardrobe is in the middle of their room! You’ve given your hubby his mail pile “to handle”.  Two weeks later, he’s…

Who Else Wants To Ditch “A Fat Day”?

    We took the kids skiing for the first time this weekend and they LOVED it. Prep for the trip included rummaging through my closet and drawers to find thermals and ski gloves.  (It’s been 17 years since I’ve been on the slopes!) And while I was reaching into the black hole of my…

Why Your Closet Should Look Like Trader Joe’s

    Happy Diwali!  (Yes, the Indian New Year holiday you’ve been waiting for!)  Seriously, like new year traditions of every culture it’s a time to reflect on the year behind and look forward to prosperity that lies ahead.  Also, it’s a time to think about organizing your closet. 😉 Instead of making grand New…

This Is One You Won’t Want To Miss!

  We all have them.  Things we know we should let go of, but just can’t.  Does letting go of our stuff mean we’re letting go of our memories?  A lot of people seem to think so.  And I used to be one of them.  But I’ve realized that they are two very different things. …