Decluttering Made Simple

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This morning I tidied up my counters, made my bed, straightened up a bit and within 15 minutes I was set for a successful and productive day.

But there used to be a time I’d barely make a dent in 15 minutes. Because I had so much stuff and so little ability to make decisions.

I’d spend most of my time moving stacks of papers from my counter to my kitchen table to my coffee table.

Or piles of clothes from my bedside to my chair to my closet floor.

Or baskets of pens, hair ties and koozies from surface to surface to surface.

Spending a lot of time going in circles and expending energy, but not really making a dent.

You know what I mean?

And now, it’s an entirely different story.

In a few short minutes, I’m decisive, I take action that makes me feel good.

The end result is the difference in feeling frustrated vs. feeling accomplished.

Here’s one easy way that Decluttering Was Made Simple for me…

I started acknowledging I need to make a decision.

I know this seems ridiculously obvious, but it is so easy to skip this step.

If you find yourself picking up an item and just shifting it to another spot (without thinking about it), practice thinking:

 “I need to make a decision about this right now.”

By simply acknowledging you need to make a decision, you’re one step closer to deciding if it goes in the trash, recycling, donation, back to your room, in the kitchen or anywhere else.

Simply asking: “do I keep this or get rid of it?” before moving it over, will get you into action. And will get you into the habit of thinking differently.

It’s no surprise if you struggle with the dozens (or is it more like hundreds?) of papers, books, shoes, bags, linens, photos, mugs, wires, receipts and all the other random stuff you have to deal with EVERY. DAY.

This feeling of overwhelm is all too common.

That’s why next week I’m running my first ever behind-the-scenes decluttering program and I’d love for you to be a part of it.

No more blaming yourself for those out of control piles of papers, heaps of clutter or overflowing closets.

Here’s What I’m Promising:

:: You will have SIGNIFICANTLY less clutter in your home (I’m talking bags, pounds and carloads)

:: You will be able to make QUICK decisions about stuff as it comes into your home

:: You’ll see IMMEDIATE benefits of letting go (like: finding gift cards & money!, feeling WAY less stressed, having more space and SO MUCH MORE!

In short, Decluttering Made Simple is for you if you’re tired of seeing clutter everywhere, you want the kick in the pants to make you take action and you want remarkable results within a few short weeks.

Join us over here gorgeous – Decluttering Made Simple – the doors close on Saturday at noon and we’d love to have you!

And remember, you’ll get into action by simply acknowledging to make a decision. 🙂

With love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.