Do You Feel Judged?

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I bet you spend a lot of time catering to the needs of others.

Plus, I bet even though you’re doing your best at juggling it all (with more grace than you give yourself credit for) you sometimes feel like it’s not enough.

Like you could do better. Like you’re being judged.

And that is no fun at all.

Women in particular are really hard on themselves. There are times we feel judged by society, our moms, our in-laws, our spouses and even our friends.

I know that there have been plenty of times that I’ve felt like that. It’s usually when things are stressful in my life so I can’t give attention to spaces or myself the way I “normally” could.

Or when I’ve walked into someone else’s house that looks like my dream-home, those self-judgmental insecurities set in again.

Check out my vid to see three lessons I’ve learned about feeling judged and how you can avoid this feeling too.

And when you’re done watching, please let me know if you’ve been in a situation that you’ve felt judged. Some of the best conversations happen down in the comments, so please join me and other fab peeps there.

As always, thank you so much for your support.



Love this week’s video! It’s an art to not feel judged or judge yourself…. Especially as a mom! Today I spent the afternoon looking around feeling awful about all the things that need I be done and that I just wanted to sit on the couch while E napped. Thanks for the feel good:)


You just made my day Emily. I think we all need to keep reminding each other…especially mamas! I don’t know why we put so much pressure on ourselves, but we do. I’m happy you feel better and I really hope you took that MUCH DESERVED nap! xo, mridu

Hilary Doherty

Love this!! Yes, it took reaching middle age to finally “Let the judging go” and focus on the quality of my relationships. My advice is to develop this awareness at a younger age so that you can experience the real joy in life.
Thanks for the perspective!


You’re so right Hilary. It’s only now, at my age, that I’m comfortable and confident enough with myself to “let go” more. Hopefully we’ll be good mentors to the next generation. πŸ™‚ xo, mridu


This must be the theme in the universe this week. I just wrote something about feeling judged on my blog. It’s refreshing to see this video and to know that I’m not alone. Or crazy. πŸ˜‰

Side note, I thought of you this weekend. I completely purged and organized my home using some of your tips. What a feeling. (this is the challenge of living alone, if something is out of order. You can only blame the elves so many times. : | )

Keep up the videos-love them!


Shivani, first off, congrats on accomplishing so much over the weekend. What an amazing feeling! Thanks for sharing and inspiring the rest of us.

As for feeling judged, it can feel like that all the time. What I’ve learned though is that I am definitely hardest on myself. And I’m trying really hard to let go of that. Not easy but confiding in, and talking to, my supportive friends really helps.

And sister, you are SO not alone! Thanks for letting the rest of us know that neither are we. πŸ˜‰ love, mridu


Just what I needed to hear this morning!
I am so hard on myself and keeping things perfect…I needed a little “reality check” today! Thanks Mridu


Girl, don’t we all?! πŸ˜‰ The whole perfection thing really hits women hard. I think it’s important that we take the time to remind each other that we’re doing GREAT…and that’s good enough.
So glad it was helpful for you Shawn. xoxo, mridu


Hi Mridu, really good video. Applies to me in that I’m uncomfortable when people come inside our home, because we live in a somewhat well-to-do retirement community, where people have lovely homes and furniture. And my husband Tom and I have bought almost all our furniture and decorations from estate sales. Truth is that I LOVE estate sale shopping, and it’s SMART to furnish your house that way. So, like you made so clear, it’s ME who has to get over myself. Thank you for addressing the topic. Your friend, Quay


Quay, I couldn’t agree with you more. Decorating your home how you LOVE is not only super smart but it’s being an authentic YOU. When you are honestly and authentically who you are, there’s no reason feel judged. (But I know we do it). I think we need to save judgment for when we trying to be someone we’re really not.

Thanks so much for sharing Quay. Very best, Mridu

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