Never Lose Your Stuff Again

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I’m having an awesome time visiting home, (NJ and NY), and connecting with tons of friends and family. We have a lot of roots here so we make plenty of stops and are staying at four different locations through the week.

And on this trip, my hubby and I are even on a little getaway to Boston, which is fabulous. Thank you Grandparents!

Although we did have a little packing snafoo as we were getting ready this morning and my hubby realized that he left some washed and needed laundry (aka boxers) in Jersey! It’s so frustrating when you just don’t have your essentials together.

Which brings me today’s video. (That was a nice little transition, wasn’t it?)

How do you keep your essentials together in your home? I’m talkin’ about the stuff you can’t leave the house without, like your keys, wallet, phone and sunglasses.

It’s so annoying when you need to get out the door and you’re searching for your keys or get in the car and drive a few miles before you realized you left your phone at home.

Check out todays vid to see the simplest way to drop off your essentials when you walk in, and how to have them with you, when you walk out.

And when you’re done watching, please be a sweetie and let me know:

  • if you have a “Drop Box”
  • where it lives in your house and 
  • if you find it helpful

I so appreciate your continued support my friend!  And you know I love to hear from you so don’t be shy to leave me some lovin’ below or to forward this video to someone you think would love this tip too.

“See” you next week.



Drop boxes or places to put wallets are great. One caution that our local police gave was not to have valuables ( wallets, electronics etc.) right next to an entrance door. Burglars often look inside to see easy targets. This would be a quick in and out opportunity for theft. We have ours near the entrance from the garage but not the front door entrance. We use a drawer too. We just have plastic containers that we use in the drawers to separate keys and wallet. Thanks for the tips. I always look forward to them.

Jen F

We have an entrance bench/halltree with hooks where we put coats, I hang my purse and keys. Then on the dining room table – first thing as we walk in, my husband and I both have “bins” for our stuff.


I’m so happy to hear that! I really appreciate your message. :)) xo, mridu


Oh, good thought. I never really thought about the theft. I guess since ours are also away from the front door and garage door (they’re in the kitchen) so it hadn’t occurred to me. Thanks for sharing!! And I see you’re a simple lady like me…I love plastic containers too! 🙂 xo, mridu


Your entrance sounds dreamy. 😉 I’m jealous of foyers or big entrances! When we walk into our house we’re literally in our living room. So the kitchen option works best for us — and plus we come in that way through the garage. Thanks so much for sharing. xo, mridu

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