Top 5 Tips To Improve Your Memory

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We’re getting ready for a getaway to see family and friends, which means this week is crazy hectic.

Every time I think I’m on top of stuff I remember five other things I need to get done before we leave: wrap gifts, buy school supplies, sign up for football, record blog, return checks and it goes on and on and on.

Then there’s all the last minute stuff you can’t do until you’re practically out the door like drop off plants, turn down AC and lock all the screens. I couldn’t remember a thing without my lists!

But you know what’s really scary? When you’re taking care of something and you completely forget what it is – right in the middle of it. Like when you’re standing in the kitchen and you have no idea why. You know you’re there for a purpose – you just don’t know what it is!

And then you get back to your bathroom and you remember that you were supposed to have gotten the Ziplocs.

Is your memory failing you? Or do you just need to know how to use it better?

I’ve been intrigued about this and have been doing some research. The really good news is that according to some studies, getting organized tops the list! Creating habits and writing stuff down are key to cognitive benefits. That calls for a big “woo hoo!”

Watch today’s vid to find out five other awesome (and easy) ways to improve your memory.

Then let me know which one of these tips you could add more of in your life to help better your memory. You know I’d love to hear from you.

As always, thank you so much for your watching and sharing with people you care about it.

xo, Mridu

P.S. Keep an eye out my new Time Management workshop in early August. If you could use an extra hour in your day, you need to get in on this one!



I really needed this one as my memory is fading, feeling foolish an embarrassing at times. Forgetting names, where did I leave my glasses, grocery list unless I wrote it, guess what even If I wrote things to buy before I get in the car and I left the list on the
kitchen table! Is it my story alone? Thank you Mridu for those healthy tips

Tasnim Nagrath

Great tips Mridu! I guess I should brush up on my “P Language” to keep my brain stimulated:-)


You are definitely not alone!! The more hectic our lives are getting combined with age, makes it difficult for everyone to remember things. I make a lot of lists on my iphone, because that is one thing I rarely forget to take with me. Don’t get discouraged! Just keep up your healthy lifestyle…and write stuff down. 🙂 xo, mridu


I couldn’t think of a more challenging brain teaser Tasnim! Seriously, put your teaching skills to real use and teach us before our next girls weekend. 🙂 xo, mridu

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