What Would You Do To Be Happier?

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It’s my birthday!  Woo hoo!

And in case you don’t know this about me, I am big on birthday and celebrations. Personally, I think you should celebrate the whole month. I mean, what better excuse for an impromptu margarita with your closest girlfriends?

Although I’ve got to admit, celebrating has definitely evolved over the years.

In my twenties, my birthday was pretty much a drinking and dancing fest. Partying until the sun rose the next day, sleeping till noon and then starting over the next night.

In my thirties, it still involved a lot of partying but I had an infant and/or toddler at any given year, so my all-nighters usually involved burp cloths and bottles.

And now in my forties (gulp!) birthday are marked by other types of celebrations like “hooray for my good health, awesome kids and booming biz!”  I’m celebrating my confidence in me (I’ve always been a late bloomer!) and willing to take bigger risks than I ever have before.

I’m purposeful about the role model I want to be and the kind of family I want to raise.  I don’t mind overdressing to a Saturday night get together (which I usually am) or that my kids don’t say “sir” or “ma’am” in the very polite Southern city we live in. I don’t fall prey to what so-and-so thinks I should be doing and am making my own priorities uh,…my own priorities.

I’m far from perfect. I stumble every day. But I’ve never felt so good or healthy, in terms of an inner spirit, a clear mind and a purpose in my home and life. I’m loving this age. And I’m not just saying that to compensate for my achier back or squintier eyes.

Introspection has come to me later than some, earlier than others, but on my own timetable. I’m psyched for my opportunities and nervous about the risks, but have greater conviction than I’ve ever had, than I can make an impact.

If you’re reading this, you’ve been a part of my journey and for that I am incredibly grateful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support in my life and business.

Part of my journey has been to invite positive energy into my world. (You don’t think I stay this happy all on my own, do you?) Check out today’s short vid where I tell you about some of my “daily doses” of motivation, gratitude and happiness.

And when you’re done watching I’d love to hear from you. Do you have any mantras or positive thoughts you remind yourself of? Please share them in the comments below.  You never know who you will inspire!

And lastly, if you’ve enjoyed my videos, please forward my blog to three people you care about – and give me the best birthday present ever!

Thank you again for making my b-day extra special.  Wishing you much deserved success,
Mridu 🙂


Elizabeth Colton Walls

Wait ’til your 50s (double gulp!) You’ll really be rocking!!
Happy Birthday!


Thanks for these great motivational tips Mridu! You always inspire me! I just discussed with my family members that we have to make a concerted effort to say one positive, complimentary or thankful message to each other every day. It went well this morning. I really hope we sustain this.


Awesome! And great idea. I need to have “that talk” with my kids too. 🙂

Michelle Goñi

My newest aha life mantra is a maya Angelou quote “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”. I for one waste alot of energy on trying to change people or find excuses for people’s behaviors. This inevitably drains me and attracts negative energy. I’m too old for this and since I only try to surround myself with positive energy, Maya’s quote was a well needed slap in the face !!
Also, in the home, I “make” my boys hug each other once a day- they tend to fight sometimes (ahem!) and the human touch amongst siblings is often ignored. This makes them laugh or giggle and gives them peace albeit for a few minutes. It also lets them know it’s ok to express love towards their siblings (males included). Love u!


Michelle, I LOVE both your mantras. And I am so about avoiding negative energy too. I’ve been making very conscious decisions about who I spend my time with and even who I talk to, based on their positivity and high energy levels. I agree that negativity, of any sort, is draining and useless.
And having boys of my own I think I need to start the hugging idea! Of course, they’ll fight me, but I definitely see the benefits. THANK YOU for sharing. xo, mridu

Hope Singh

I hope you had a great birthday!
I do the “5 things I’m grateful for” thing very often, before I go to sleep. Makes the whole day look different.


thanks Hope!
I’ve been trying to do that when I wake up. It’s a great start to my day….but I need to get more consistent at it.

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