Don’t Paint Until You See This

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Cherry blossoms and warm air may tell you that spring is here. But how do I know the season’s arrived? Our packed baseball schedule. Nine practices and games for the boys last week!

I am so not prepared for this commitment.

On the other hand, I get an uncontrollable itch for change this time of year. Whether it’s a new pair of sandals or switching out my pillows, I loves me some post winter variety.

One seasonal project we have going on right now is painting. Feels like we are always in need of a spruce up. And then that gets me thinking about fun stuff — like color change. (Oh yeah!)

If you’re embarking on a painting project (now or any time in the year) be sure to watch my video first. You’ll learn the essentials of picking a good color and how to keep your paint space organized.

And if you know anyone else who’s in the painting mood, please be sure to share this with them.

Lastly, please be a sweetie and leave me a comment below about:

What mood you’d like to create in a space in your home AND What color you think would match that mood best

Thank you as always for your support. I’m super psyched to get you A LOT more awesome info. in the next few weeks when my site launches. I’m gettin’ closer! And I couldn’t be doing it without you.

Wishing you lots of success in your home and life,
