Five Minute Organizing Projects

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I just got back from gorgeous Hawaii with my family (I know, totally pinching myself!)

And in addition to exploring and admiring this tropical paradise, we met some amazing people along the way.

While I was chatting with one lovely woman we got to talking about our careers and when I told her what she did, she said this: “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s the secret to staying organized?”

The secret? Oh yes, the secret!

This was so exciting. I was holding a giant secret that only professional organizers know. The deep secret that could transform people’s lives. ….Maybe even the whole globe. I was the keeper of this massive secret and now….now I was about to share it with someone else.


So I blurted out:

“I maintain stuff.”

I’ll never forget the look of disappointment on her face.

“Oh” she said, as she went back to scouring her map.

I know. The secret isn’t glamorous, nor is it really a secret at all. But it’s the truth and it works.

I maintain my spaces. Every. Single. Day.

And that doesn’t mean I put hours towards organization on a daily basis. But I put a few minutes here and there that add up to maintained spaces all day long.

In today’s video I’m introducing five projects you can do in five minutes or less, to maintain your home too. (Just like the pros!) 😉  

And of course, when you’re done watching I’d love to know which five minute project you’re going to commit to. You can drop your awesomeness over in the comments on my blog.

Don’t get discouraged and know that every little step you make each day adds up to giant strides. I believe in you.

To living with simplicity and happiness!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Today we did just random pick up we took ten minutes. Always called it a ten minute tidy. Set a timer and go!!! Fun!!

Mridu Parikh

Perfect Susan! Love the quick tidy — amazing how much you can get done, even though you might feel like it’s a lot. Good for you for not putting it off. Thanks for sharing your inspiration,xo, m


Hi Mridu, I’m glad you had a wonderful Hawaiian vacation. My five minute task today, which I have kept putting off: “Dead” hair elastics need to go – many of mine have lost their elasticity. I will have one less annoyance to deal with when I want to pull my hair back. To repurpose them, I cut them open and use them to tie off garbage bags. Task done! Thanks for the motivation.

Mridu Parikh

This is why I love sharing ideas — because that is SUCH a good one! So true – one less annoying thing to deal with. 😉 Good for you Janet! xo, mridu

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