Why Goals Don’t Work…And How To Make Them Stick

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It’s such a natural time to think of goals, right? How will this year be different from last?

  • How will you do better?
  • How will do do more?
  • How will you be more disciplined?

For me personally, I SUCCEED when I share my goals, have support, and surround myself with people that will keep me accountable to my growth.

Because the truth is this.

When left to our own devices, we:
– procrastinate
– make excuses
– get distracted
– question ourselves
– get overwhelmed

…the list goes on.

I found there are three success factors that help me reach my goals:

#1: Simple Steps

#2: Deadlines

#3: Support

Without a specific, step-by-step plan there is NO FOCUS.
Without deadlines and milestones there is NO ACHIEVING.
Without support or accountability there is NO CONSISTENCY.

Here’s an example.

One of my goals might be getting my schedule under control. (Maybe you can relate to not wanting to feel so overwhelmed all the time??)

I can think it, want it, read about it, pray for it, and wish for it.

But without specific to-do’s, deadlines and support – there’s a good chance I won’t make it happen.

However if I knew HOW to break down my time and manage my schedule, have milestones in place to ensure I completed it and have the support of others who are working on this too – I KNOW I’d be on the road to success.

It’s been like that for every successful goal in my life like, planning my wedding, losing my baby weight and decluttering my home.

Follow a plan. Have a deadline. Get support.

I bet you’ve had these types of successes too.

But then there are those other goals that you can never seem to reach.

And I’m willing to bet that one of the three success factors were not in place.

Maybe you were “winging it”.
Maybe you didn’t have a “real” deadline.
Maybe you weren’t surrounded by friends or the support you needed.

I don’t want this to happen to you again (and I know you don’t either).

So please join me in kicking off 2017 year with creating ONE doable and inspiring goal that you can stick to.

What is a goal of yours that you would achieve with step-by-step instructions, deadlines and accountability in place?

Let me know over in the comments below.

And watch out for a free workshop coming up next week where I will give you step-by-step instructions, daily deadlines and personal support to start to organize your home and life.

You were made for a successful and beautiful life — and this is the groundwork to get ready for it.

Here’s to rocking 2017!

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.