Why My Hands Are Always Full (And Why Yours Should Be Too)

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Socks, phone chargers, binder clips, hairbrushes, water bottles, highlighters, remotes, magazines, soccer balls, receipts, earrings…are just some of the bajillions of things I have in my hands as I make my way around the house.

Yup, I’m like Bounty: the quicker picker upper. 😉

As I float from the kitchen to bathroom to bedroom to family room, my hands and arms are loaded up.

And I’m constantly after my kids to do the same. “Don’t leave empty handed” is usually my voice trailing behind them when they’re zipping by me.

There’s no reason to make an extra effort later in the day or evening to go around picking up things when you can simply do it on your way in and out.

Because the truth is this.

The more things pile up, the more overwhelmed you feel. And the more overwhelmed you feel, the more you procrastinate.

Am I right??

So I’m on a daily mission to minimize those overwhelming tasks as much as possible.

And I encourage you to make it a habit too so you have less on your mind (and on your counters, floors and couches) at the end of each day.

Remind yourself to pick up at least one item that doesn’t belong where it is, as you make your way to another space.

  • That book on the couch that belongs on your bedside.
  • That half empty mug that belongs in the sink.
  • That pair of shoes you kicked off that belongs in the closet.

It’s a productivity and organization hack at its finest. 🙂

Doing it throughout the day, as you move around your home, is so much better than letting it:
:: pile up
:: lurk
:: linger
:: meander
:: overwhelm
:: annoy
…and frustrate you.

Don’t you agree?

One way you can make this easier is to keep a few small baskets or bins at bay.

I keep one at the bottom of our stairs so when I’m going from kitchen to family room and see something that belongs upstairs, I pick it up and drop it off in the “stairs” basket.

I also keep a bin in my downstairs and upstairs closet for things that need to be donated.

They help, but don’t let the lack of them deter you from a simple “grab and go” whenever you move to another space.

It’s become so much of a habit that when I don’t have stuff to grab, I feel like I’m forgetting something. I do a double take just to make sure I can’t snatch a misplaced sweatshirt or book.

In all my years and experience in getting organized I’ve learned a big lesson.

It’s not the giant overhauls and massive purges that keep you fulfilled on a day to day basis.

It’s the everyday achievements that keep you feeling accomplished and motivated.

And I’d go for a daily dose of joy and inspiration any time.

You don’t create a an inviting home and fulfilling life by counting on a few days a year.

You keep at it day after day, with small but mighty steps.
You make the little things count.
You always move forward.

So take advantage of the efficient gems in your daily routine.

And by all means, remember to keep your hands full.

With love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.