I Made This Mistake Twice In Two Days

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So I did the thing I’m always telling my clients (not to mention my friends and my kids) not to do. And then…

I did it again.

So now, it’s time to come clean.

It finally got cold here in NashVegas, so I pulled out a sweater on Saturday morning. One of my favorites in fact. A really soft, beige one with a light hood.

I put my comfy jeans and my cute sweater, felt great and then took one look in the mirror and…ughhhhh! Didn’t like the way it looked at all!

My sweater was completely pilled, had little balls of fabric all over it, and was stretched out funny.

Although I’ve only had it for a couple of seasons, it looked worn out and old. (One too many wears and washes I guess!)

So I did what anyone would do. I folded it up and stuck it back in my dresser.

This morning I went back to my sweater drawer to find something to wear and of course my fave sweater caught my eye again.

This time I put on black leggings (because it probably just didn’t look good with the jeans on Saturday). It felt sooooo good.

I threw on my boots and my earrings and took one more look in the mirror…and….

….Terrible, again.

I don’t know why or how this sweater looked so worn and frumpy, but it did.

So I did what anyone would do and folded it up and put it back in my dresser.

UNTIL…I walked away and thought: “Mridu, what are you doing?? This is exactly what you tell your friends NOT to do.”

So I went back to my dresser, pulled out my sweater, gave it one last hug and kissed it good bye, straight into my donate pile.

Here’s the thing. And I tell you this because I love you. (And I don’t want you to keep making the same mistakes I do). 😉

If you don’t like the way a piece of clothing looks or feels on you – DON’T KEEP IT.

Really, what’s the point?

It’s not like you hate the worn out, frumpy, out-of-style, ill-fitted, too small or too big, item today, but will magically fall in love with it next week or that week after that.

I don’t know why we do these things to ourselves…but we do.

But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn from our mistakes.

You and I. We’re smarter than that.

You and I. Well, we’re better decision makers.

Lets make decisions like the intelligent and adaptable people that we are.

I’m betting that some time even in the last week you’ve tried something on, didn’t like how it looked or felt and put it back where you found it.

If so, I challenge you to make room for better fitting, classier looking, and ego building clothes, by saying buh-bye to that piece of clothing that isn’t serving your beautiful self the way it was intended to.

Eliminate it. Feel good about it. Make room for something much better.

And then, let me know about it in the comments below, so YOU AND I, can celebrate your success.

Looking forward to hearing from you sweet friend.


P.S. If you’re in total crunch mode and need a “kick in the pants” to declutter, (like yesterday), I have a quick and powerful training for you. It’s all the motivation you need to get stuff out ASAP. Check it out here.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.