It’s Up To You To Beat Temptation

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You’ll have to fight it this week.
You’ll have to fight it next week.
You’ll probably have to fight through the end of the year.

You’ll be shopping for decorations, centerpieces, gifts, cards, flowers, sweaters, shawls, shoes, gloves, linens, towels, appetizers, serving dishes, and so much more before the year is up.

And you’ll be tempted.

Tempted to go beyond your list.
Tempted to go beyond your needs.
Tempted to go beyond your intentions.

This is when you’ll be tested.

You’ve worked hard to declutter, to get things under control to get prepared for family, friends, travel and cheer. And you’ll have to make decisions every time you pass by a store, walk into a shop, or scroll around online.

This is the time more than ever for you to be intentional. Think about every bow and every cookie box you choose to allow into your home and life.

Ask yourself if it will add to your joy (past tomorrow!)
Ask yourself if it is really necessary.
Ask yourself if it is a true “must-have.”

And if it is, by all means, embrace it and enjoy it.

But if you see that the tinsel or polish or pillow has the potential to land up in the back of the closet (like the others), stop, reassess…and most definitely, move on.

You are in control of your actions. You will be in control of what you bring in – with clarity, intention and purpose. Or what you choose to leave on the shelf or on display, with equal clarity, intention and purpose.

I have faith in you.

Now more than ever I know you’ll make the right decisions. I know you’ll focus on needs over wants, on joy over comparison, and on love over greed.

You will be deliberate.
You will be thoughtful.
You will stay strong.

(You know I needed to hear this as much as you did, right??) 😉 

To making simple, happy and purposeful choices this season.

With love and appreciation,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.