How To Let Go Of Stuff You’re Emotionally Attached To

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I just got back from an amazing weekend, celebrating with my BFF’s at our 20 year reunion. Oh my gawd!

On one hand we’ve all grown and developed so much. On the other hand, it was like a day hadn’t passed.

We pulled out yearbooks and photos and laughed at our big hair and wrong outfits until our stomachs hurt.

When I told one of my friends what I did for a living she asked me this:

“I have all this stuff from college in boxes that follows me around from move to move. There’s a lot of stuff that people gave me and I don’t ever look at it but I feel bad throwing it away. How do I get myself to get rid of it?”

Well check out this weeks vid below for your answer.

And when you’re done, please let me know this, my sweet:

  • What’s something that you’re holding onto because you feel bad getting rid of it?
  • Do you think you could do something with it after watching this?

Don’t be shy to leave your awesome comments below. Some of the best discussions happen there!

Love you so much for your support and time. And wishing you a happy, healthy and clutter-free week ahead.




Love your stuff but what about the person who has passed? And no there isnt anyone else.


Mary, many times it’s a matter of having that conversation with yourself and not the actual person. Ask yourself what that person’s intentions were and how they would want you to feel. Chances are they did not want you to feel stressed, overwhelmed or guilty but rather happy and peaceful. This may give YOU more peace with your decision to let it go. Also, don’t forget the photo tip. It really does work! Let me know if that all makes sense. πŸ™‚ love, mridu


Thanks Mridu, just the encouragement I needed to finally let some things go that I had been holding on to cause I didn’t know what to do with. Now I can’t wait to pull those things out of the closet – finally! P.S of all the emails I get, yours are the ones I can’t wait to watch – you always brighten my day!!! Bless you! I’m starting to feel free again πŸ™‚


Steph, you just made MY day. πŸ˜‰ Thank you so much and I’m SO HAPPY you’ve found some encouragement and motivation from my tips. The emotional stuff is really the hardest. Dealing with guilt is such an emotional roller coaster and can totally paralyze us from making any decisions. I’m so excited that you’re ready to pull out your things and start taking some action. You’re awesome!!! Good luck and thank you again for your kind words. xoxo, Mridu


My mom is no longer alive but she made a necklace for me years ago. It is broken but I haven’t been able to part with it. I’m going to throw it away right now after I take a picture of it!


Leanne, thank you for sharing your personal story. Knowing that the memory of the person and/or experience lives on long after an item is gone is so rewarding and helpful to simplifying your life.I love capturing memories through photos and am so glad this tip will work for you too. Lots of love, Mridu


I plan to give my letter sweater to a friend who is making a “Man cave” with our High School memorabilia stuff. He’s going to love it!


Ok, that is so fun!! Love that idea…and especially that someone else is taking care of it. πŸ˜‰ Good for you Terry. Perfect way for you to release stuff without the guilt. Bravo. xo, mridu


Sometimes it’s someone else that’s keeping me from parting with something, but it’s often just me. There are things I have that remind me of a feeling from a happier time. When I look at them, I get a sense of how I felt in that episode of my life and that’s what I’m having a difficult time letting go of.

Mridu Parikh

I totally understand where you’re coming from. These types of items are so hard to part with. So if you know you need to declutter and make space in your home and life, I have two suggestions when it comes to these types of things. 1) Pare them down to the ones that bring you the absolute MOST joy. So if you have 30 items you’re struggling to eliminate, pick your top 15 that bring you the most happiest. And then #2) take photos of the other 15, then donate them. The truth is whether you look at an item in a photo or are holding it in your hand, the memories will be the same. You won’t lose them when you have a picture to look at.
What do you think? Does this sound like something you could do? I’d love to hear back from you. xo, mridu

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