How To Make This The Best Year of Your Life

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Woo hoo!  Guess who celebrated a birthday last week?  Yes, yours truly turned the big 4-0.   And my darling husband threw me, (as my mama said), “the grand-daddy of all surprises!” 

Unbeknownst to me, he arranged for 10 sets of family and friends to fly in for the weekend to celebrate.  And then he threw the most awesome party with all of our close friends and family at a great venue downtown.  I’m feeling unbelievably blessed to be surrounded by this much love.  Don’t think I deserve all this but nevertheless, I am still on a high from one of the best weekends of my life!

And all this happiness gives me more energy and enthusiasm to live each day to the fullest.  I am so excited to share even more inspiring and actionable ideas for getting every area of YOUR life in your control.  Be sure to check out today’s motivational kick-off to my 40th year.  >

And I’d like to ask for something from YOU to make my birthday wish come true.  Simply forward my blog to THREE of your friends that could use motivational, useful and entertaining 🙂 tips and strategies for making their life run smoother.  Please take one minute right now to simply cut and paste into an email with “sign up for free weekly video updates” in the subject line.  Your support is one of the greatest gifts I could receive.  I can’t thank you enough.

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.  With much love and appreciation,



Dear Mridu! Actually you ARE an international success. Greetings from Russia!!! And Happy Birthday!!!!


ohhhh, how exciting!! Thank you so much for your message Elena! You so made my day! And of course, thank you for the birthday greetings. Stay wonderful!! xoxo,

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