How To Stay Focused And Get Stuff Done

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The kids are in camp this week so I’m a happy mama!  Of course I love spending time with them but it’s good for all of us to have our space.  (You know what I’m sayin’?)

The time I enjoy most with the boys is when I can put aside email, work, phone and school and just focus on throwing a ball with them or building Lego Star Wars.  Otherwise, with my cell phone in one hand and laundry in the other, I’m ushering them to play with each other…which usually ends in a lot of bickering.

Which brings me to today’s topic.  How do you stay focused??

How many times have you sat down at your computer to pay bills or to order a gift and have found yourself an hour later checking your email or catching up on Facebook? (Uh, story of my life!)  It happens to the best of us, with best intentions.  But it leaves you so annoyed for not getting things done.

I get it. Time is valuable and it never feels like you have enough.  Plus with a hundred and one things on your plate, it’s easy to get distracted.

So maybe staying focused isn’t as much of the challenge as eliminating your distractions.  Check out my new video to see how to do just that.

Do you think this process will make YOU more focused and more productive?  As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic so please leave me a comment below.

And don’t forget to check out this weeks additional resource. It’s a checklist of easy strategies to follow to ensure that you get your goals accomplished! It’s like having a personal trainer by your side.  

xo, mridu 



I used to offer a membership program where these resources were available….but I’ve since removed this program. So sorry! But thank you so much for watching and for all your support! xo, m

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