The Key To Your Daily Happiness

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You know what makes people happy everyday?

Perfect shoes? Bargains? Chocolate covered anything? Wine…any wine? 😉

Ok, I’m totally digressing over here.

It’s actually something much simpler (and inexpensive) than that.

It’s setting goals and reaching them.

Think about it. If you make a goal to exercise but don’t get your walk or gym class in, you feel kind of lousy or frustrated with yourself.

But if you get in even 20 minutes, you feel pretty good about yourself, even proud.

That’s what separates the mediocre and lousy days from the accomplished and awesome days. Going from “what did I get done today?” to “I got so much done today!”

If you want step-by-step help in getting over to the awesome side, keep reading for a lesson on simplifying and committing to daily goals.

Your daily goals are tasks you must get done before focusing on other tasks for the day.

These magnificent mini-commitments release overwhelm, keep you focused, and help you feel accomplished and happy. (It’s uh-mazing!)

So lets make it happen.

Step #1: 

Get a notepad or open a new document on your computer or ipad.

Step #2: 

Make a list of things of 5 tasks you’re going to get done TODAY. Just five. Your TOP FIVE.

Now I know your to-do list is a mile long! So you don’t want to use your regular to-do list for this exercise.

You want to have only your top five things listed on a separate piece of paper, so you don’t get distracted by everything else you want to do.

Here’s my top 5 for today:

•    Marinate chicken for dinner
•    Get to the gym
•    Respond to LIO emails
•    Call school committee
•    Throw in a load of laundry

Remember, it doesn’t mean you are limiting yourself to only 5 goals or tasks for the day. But these are the ones you’re committing to getting done first, and then all else are the cherries on top! 😉

Step #3:

Place your list where you will see it every day.

Don’t get off course on the first day! Do this step. It’s important or I wouldn’t include it.

If you’ve typed your list, print or write it out and post it somewhere you won’t miss it. Somewhere like:
•    your fridge
•    your bathroom mirror
•    in your wallet
•    your car dashboard
•    on your computer screen
•    on your bedside table

Again, somewhere that you will be sure to see it throughout the day!

Step #4

Schedule a specific time for each of these steps or tasks in your schedule for the day.

Example: If one of your tasks is “exercise” don’t simply write “workout” on your schedule.

Look at your schedule and put in the exact time, like 9am – 10am. If something unexpected comes up during this planned time, be sure to move your task to another time slot.

(If you’re doing this at night, start with your goals for tomorrow, instead of today).

MULES (Mridu’s Rules)

Don’t go to bed tonight without completing these steps. This should take you no more than 15 minutes.

Make. It. Count.

Where do you hang your list? How do you feel about simplifying your must-do’s to your top 5? Did it help you to schedule specific times for your tasks?

Share, brag, support, stay accountable by replying to this email to let me know about it in the comments below. I read and respond to every message!

If you found this lesson helpful in getting you focused today, then I know you’re gonna LOVE my go at your own pace, online workshop, Simplify Me. (On sale through Friday for only $49).

This is not a complicated program that requires you to watch hours of videos and classes.

But simple, easy-to-implement tasks that are super powerful in making your next one month less stressful and more joyful. 

(Yup! Just in time for the holidays!) 🙂

If you’re into feeling less overwhelmed, getting more done without stress, decluttering, setting boundaries and waking up each day knowing you’ll feel accomplished and happy, please click here to find out more about this awesomeness.

To exceeding expectations and having fun along the way!

The $49 Flash Sale ends Friday! Click here to learn more about this goodness!

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.