Love Your Home

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Do the holidays get you in a nesting mood?

I have this desire to get rid of stuff everywhere to make room for decor, guests and gifts.

It’s definitely the time of year I want to LOVE my home. Enjoy the warmth by the fireplace, cuddle with the kiddos on the sofa and sip hot chocolate in my favorite chair.

But god knows that can be far from reality.

It’s a challenge to feel the holiday cheer with stacks of magazines blocking the fireplace, the kitchen overrun with random clutter, and everyone tripping over your overcrowded furniture.

Check out today’s video about how to create a home you really love: a place you look forward to hanging out. (Yes, it is possible!)

I’ll give you a hint of what it’s gonna take. The “F” word.

Feelings, girlfriend. Feelings! (Get your mind out of the gutter).

When you’re done watching, please join me below with your juicy comments on:

  • what feelings you’re going to create AND
  • what items will and won’t help create them

You rock for your watching and for taking action.

Remember, every small step you take is a big leap towards a more peaceful and happy life!

With love and appreciation,