My Secret Simplification Weapon

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Ever wonder how some women seem to get it all done? Their work, family, and social life seem to effortlessly flow without stress or anxiety. What’s their secret?

And more importantly, where can I get me some?!

Today’s video and simplification tip is about a challenge many women with struggle with.

Because in our desire to take care of everything, we end up…taking care of everything.

And like Elsa from Frozen, sometimes you just have to “let it go.”

Today I’ll show you how and what an incredible impact it can have on your life.

And for this weeks goodie, please let me know what area of your life you could enlist some help. How will that make you feel? 

I’m guessing a little scary at first but then….completely freeing!

I’ve just let go of something very close to my heart, but I not only feel liberated – I see a huge improvement. It’s my video recording upgrade! Please watch my vid and let me know what you think about it.

Ok, so you’ve got a few things to do, my sweet:

  1. Watch the vid
  2. Let me know where you could use help
  3. Let me know what you think of my new video quality and/or how I’d look if it were the 70’s!

Love you so much for all your support every week!

Wishing you peace and calm,


Linda Lee

Love the Delegation song! Wonderful video…keep William…you deserve some breaks too! 🙂


Thanks Linda! And William is definitely a keeper! 😉 So great to hear from you. xoxo, Mridu


If I delegate some of my 3 kids, they are 14/14/21, most of the time I have to ask more than ones before they do it.They just”keep forgetting”(excuse?) I find frustrating asking again and again so sometimes I end up doing every thing or even worse nothing 🙁


Trust me Tania, I know the feeling! Being consistent can be exhausting. I definitely give in at times, but do try to keep getting my kids to do stuff for themselves. I swear I’ve told my son to pick up his towel a thousand times!! …oh well, I guess it be a thousand and one tomorrow morning. 😉 Keep at it, don’t give up and keep a good attitude. :)) xo, mridu


okay – cleaning after my family!! i can;t thank my house keeper enough! Okay … now if someone could write my blogs for me…


Girl, you and me both! 😉 (About both things!) I LOVE LOVE my housekeeper. I could never keep up with everything on my own. And could someone please write these for me!! (Just kidding. — who else would put me in an Afro! 😉 love you Charu, mridu

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