Rate Your Photos. You’ll Be Glad You Did.

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Do you upload tons of digital photos? Would you like to make an album or collage at the end of the year but find it too overwhelming? Here’s a great way to capture your best photos and make photo memorabilia efficiently.

Every time you upload your photos on your computer “star” the best ones. Add a “5 star rating” for the best pictures (the ones you would want to see in an album or would want to enlarge). If you do this every time you upload your photos you will have all your best photos starred, saving you tons of time to go through them all at one time. If you’re not familiar with how to rate your photos, read below.

1) On most PC’s the “Star Rating” feature is under the “Tools” bar.  On a Mac (in iPhoto) it is under the “Photo” Tab, under “My Rating.” (Or simply click on your photo and you can click on the stars that will appear under it). If you can’t find it on other photo organizing software, go to the “Help” menu and type in “rating” or “stars”

2) Then when you are ready to make an album, order prints, make a collage etc., you can simply choose these best photos by sorting. Sort by your “starred” photos and will instantly have all your best photos together in one place. (On the Mac you can create a “Smart Album” under “File” and select how you want to sort your photos.
Photo Organization

Top Photo:  A “starred” photo on the Mac

Left Photo:  A “Smart Album” on the Mac (iPhoto)