Three Biggest Organizing Myths

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Ok, who remembers Richard Gere and the “gerbil incident”?  Or rather, who could forget! Poor Richard.  That “story” will take him to his grave.   Myths…Urban Legends…National Enquirer.  How boring would our lives be without them?!

And in our every day lives we have our own list of myths.  Does flossing really add seven years to your life?  Or will eating too many carrots turn your skin a shade of orange?  Part truth, part fabrication; wholly believable and entirely consuming.  Check out my video to find out the truth behind three of the biggest Organizing Urban Legends. And then I’d love to hear if you’ve ever believed any of these myths.  Tell me in the comments below. 🙂 

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Wishing you a great week ahead.  xoxo,


Emily Jo Epstein

Ive always hated the shelf lining thing! My mother in law does it and it was never something my family did, so I felt like I HAD TO once I moved in with Richard. Great to know I dont:) Thanks.

Mridu Nagrath Parikh

I hear ya sister! There is this unspoken “Homemaker Pressure” out there that makes you do all crazy kinds of stuff. Like you HAVE TO HAVE good China. Uh….no you dont! 😉

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