Three Simple Steps To Create A Deadline

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You know when you’re excited and overwhelmed at the same time?

I’m feeling it, big time.  As things are ramping up with my upcoming web site and business model, so is my workload.  Gulp.

I’ve really had to stick to my “time management” tips to get it all done.

There are some things I’m totally pumped about, like creating butt-kicking organizing classes but there are definitely those tasks that I put off and off…and off.

Like getting financial info. to my accountant, (spreadsheets give me the willies), and getting things together for taxes, (another complete downer for me).

But this stuff needs to get done and I know the longer I put it off, the more it weighs on me.  And more importantly, once I get it done I know I’ll feel accomplished and just downright happy.

Which brings me to today’s motivation about how to create deadlines.  Watching my short video could be the difference between checking off an annoying task from your to-do list and that task staying there for weeks and months more.

And when you’re done watching please spend 30 seconds to tell me:

  • what nagging task in your life you could set a deadline for

My thanks as always for reading, watching and sharing.  You’re awesomeness is much appreciated!




Love your tips on creating a deadline. It is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been putting off the task of organizing pictures forever. The thought of it has probably become worse than the task. Since there is no deadline for it the task always gets put off. I am going to create a deadline for it. Thank you again.


I totally agree with you Terry! Sometimes I make a project so much bigger in my head simply because I’ve put it off for so long. And then once I finally get to it, I realize it wasn’t as daunting as I made it out to be.

My nagging task that I’m creating a deadline for also has to do with my photos. I’m giving myself one month to finish up my album….from two years ago! 😉

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts,

Hilary Doherty

Thanks Mridu for all the tips! I love them and use them, i.e. going to move this blasted printer off my desk! And, the Australia trip (from 3 years ago) will finally have a scrapbook by the end of April. (Ask me about it the next time I see you. I need
Wishing you a great 2013


I AM going to ask you about it Hilary. 😉 LOVE IT!! Good for you girl. Keep up the good work. Wishing you an awesome year too. xoxo, mridu


I am a procrastinator, and then I have a heart attack when the time arrives. Prior to the event I love to analyze it to death make all the notes, get lost in the details, and it all falls apart or turns out half ass. Help me please!


LOL! Avoiding procrastination IS a skill you can develop.:) If you don’t procrastinate a project and see how great it feels to not have that last minute pressure on yourself and how much better it turns out, you’ll lOVE that feeling and want to replicate it. If you keep practicing, it will become an awesome habit.:)

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